Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,41

angel from fucking Hell? Isn’t he pretty and shiny? We love his horns and his sin-stained feathers.

My mouth pursed and twisted with my petty inner monologue as I stomped my way down the stairs and heaved open the side door to the chapel with a bang that made Azariah flinch and then shudder with a groan.

“Feel free to stop being dramatic at any time,” I muttered, stomping my way over. Okay, maybe I was sulking just a little.

The three human men eyed me warily as I approached the Hell-touched angel, like the two of us in close proximity would create a black hole or something. But the star of the show just angled his head in my direction with a wry smile.

“Not all of us are as well-seasoned to the fiery pits as you, little succubus. Although I can sense your little vacation here on earth has treated you very well.”

“Aren’t you full of insight,” I scoffed. Anyone who knew what to look for could tell I had recently fed. I opted to ignore him in favor of examining his bad wing. “You have a clean break here,” I pointed to the long bone that was misshapen and out of place, just below the main joint. “I can set it, but I’ll need stuff to make a splint to hold it while it heals.”

“I’m on it.” Stavros immediately jumped up from the front pew and headed for the nearest door.

Even with Azariah watching me closely, I couldn’t help but train my gaze on Stavros' wide back as he hurried to find what I needed. The sting was palpable, that he would be so quick to help this creature rather than stay here with me. Zach or Kais would have made more sense, but why him? Did seeing this angel suddenly restore his faith? And if it did, what did that mean for our…time together?

I hated to admit that being with him was about more than just feeding now. It had been so long since I enjoyed the physical act of sex for the simple, mechanical motions that it was. The sweet ache of a cock filling me, the heat of bare skin, and pressure of another body on top of me. At some point, maybe just today, I stopped viewing Stavros as a mere sacrifice. His visits became a treat, something I looked forward to after long, boring days futzing around the church.

I had succumbed to the age-old human malady of catching feelings.

The door closing after him felt like the metaphorical slap in the face of him reinforcing that he was just fucking me to keep everyone else safe. Keeping my face blank, I turned back to Azariah, moving around to examine him for other injuries until Stavros came back. The angel missed nothing though, bright blue eyes tracking me like a bird of prey.

Kais stood atop the pulpit, ever the watchful soldier with his crossbow still in his hands as he stood over us. Zach on the other hand, couldn’t tear his eyes away from Azariah. He sat on the edge of the stage, a full body length between himself and the injured angel, as if he dared not encroach on this holy creature’s space.

The youngest priest just gazed openly, staring in awe, with wonderment in his eyes, mouth parted slightly. Azariah didn’t seem to mind—rather he seemed to bask in the attention.

“You may come closer, Father Zachariah,” the angel smiled at him, holding out a hand. “Do not be afraid of me.”

I held back a snort as Zach scooted closer, accepted Azariah’s outstretched hand. He was falling hook, line, and sinker—which would be one hell of a problem if this angel really was under Hell’s orders.

“Can I get you anything?” Zach managed to ask in an awed whisper. “Some water or food, maybe? A change of clothes?”

“Sweet child of God,” Azariah cooed, wrapping his fingers tighter around Zach’s. “Sheltered in the house of our Lord with kind souls such as yourself, I need nothing else.”

Behind Azariah’s back, I rolled my eyes hard. Kais huffed out a breath that could have been a laugh.

“However,” Azariah continued. “I would be most grateful for some wine and a clean pair of pants, yes.”

Zach jumped up to obey so fast, he nearly tripped over his own feet on his way out of the chapel. I brought my forehead down to my palm, but had to give Stavros some credit. At least he wasn’t a complete overeager puppy as far as the angel Copyright 2016 - 2024