Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,24

his to be cared for. Underneath it all, was pure Stavros, a heady, dense pool of him, his life and pains and pleasures. This is what I couldn’t get from dreaming, what was missing from the souls who descended to Hell, and was entirely absent from the hellions I’d been surrounded by.

I wanted to devour it all, suck him down like an alcoholic with their first bottle in years. It was far more than I needed to survive, but it would be orgiastic to consume. And Stavros would be left a husk.

My chest ached at the thought. I took a morsel instead, a tiny spark. It warmed away the cold in my bones, the burn of my injured feet, and the pounding in my head. There was still hunger, still exhaustion, but that was less too.

Stavros' arms had circled me in the kiss, he held onto me like a clamp, moaning against my lips, chasing them as I lifted my head.

He wasn’t tired, his eyes were bright. He was panting a little, but that probably had more to do with the fact that I’d been sucking him down, not giving him an inch of space as I kissed him.

“Fuck. Deyva,” he sighed out. And then he arched for more.

I paused him, my hand on his throat. “It’s done, Stavros. Thank you.”

He blinked, forehead folding between his eyebrows. “Done?”

“I only took a little. It’s enough for now.”

“But…” He looked to the door and I thought he might listen, slip out and go back to the priest house like I was suggesting. He straightened and lifted his chin. “You can take more. Like you do in the dreams.”

“I did take more than I do in the dreams. The sex is fun for me, but it isn’t necessary, Stavros. We can keep it simple, like this,” I said. We could even skip the kiss, but I would’ve missed that too much.

Stavros swallowed, eyes falling to my mouth, and then to my breasts where they were pressed against his chest, just peeking out the collar of the t-shirt.

“What did you really come for, Stavros?” I asked, combing my fingers into his hair, smiling at the rumble in his chest that answered.

“ help you.”

“You have.”

“I thought you’d want more, or just—”

Fuck. Just let him go. Let him think the sex was just a dream thing.

“What I want is to strip out of these clothes and have you pin me to this couch like you would in your dreams, Stav. But I don’t need that to survive—” Not literally, at least. It felt pretty fucking necessary at the moment as I felt his cock jumping against me through our clothes. “—and you’ve already done enough. Anything more would be…”

“Selfish,” Stavros rasped. “I came here to be selfish. Because I wanted to fuck you so bad and—”

And have it be my fault, what I needed him to do, rather than what we both felt like, just for fun. Just to be selfish.

His arms loosened, but only to slide his hands down to my ass, squeezing tight and making me gasp as he ground me over his stiffening cock. I pressed my lips together, swallowing my whine of need, and Stavros leaned in, biting at my throat, swirling his tongue over my pulse, one hand sliding down the back of the shorts to grope at my flesh, passing over my ass and just barely grazing at my sex.

“This is what I want, Deyva. I want my fucking dreams to come true,” he growled. “You can feed on me whenever you want, just give me this. Please.”

Begging, as if I had it in me to refuse him.

I growled, the animal in me snapping, but Stavros was quick, hand sliding up my waist. The t-shirt rucked up and over my breasts and he yanked me forward, sucking roughly on my flesh as if he’d been the starving one the whole time. The pull of his mouth on my nipple, and the scratch of his beard on my skin, shot right down to my pussy, making me clench and twist in his hold, poised too high to do anything but rub myself against his chest like a cat in heat.

I whipped the shirt off over my head, sliding my hands back into his thick dark hair, roots still wet from his shower, as I held him to me. He pulled free of one breast, moving quickly to the next. His arm strapped across my back like iron and his free hand Copyright 2016 - 2024