Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,138

sweat covering his body. I probably didn’t look much better.

The angel swooped down and gathered me up in his arms. He sagged slightly under my weight, but never once touched the ground.

“I didn’t see you for so long, I got worried.” He stroked my hair, cradling my head to his chest as he flew us back toward the town. “Why didn’t you come find me sooner?”

His concern was sweet, delicious, and it filled me up like an empty jar left out in the rain. I hugged around his neck, pressing kisses to his throat and jaw to replenish him in return.

“I felt fine after the first two generals, so I kept going. Then two more snuck up on me and I couldn’t get away without leading them right to you.”

“You should have, we could have fought them together.” He tugged at one of my horns, being chastising and affectionate.

“Well, I think all the leaders are gone, so we’ve done our parts. How are the guys?”

“Worn out, but holding on,” he said. “A few hellions slipped past them but the townspeople took them out with fire hoses.”

“Where are they?” I scanned the ground below us. “I need to replenish them.”

“Hold your damn horses, succubus. I need to replenish you.”

“Hurry the fuck up and kiss me then!”

Azariah laughed with a nip of my ear. “Let me find a place to land.”

“What’s the matter, fly boy?” I tugged his lower lip between my teeth. “Can’t fuck in midair?”

“Fuck me,” he groaned, hand sliding down my back to clutch at my ass.

“That’s what I’m trying to do.” I sucked hard at his neck, dragging my lips along the taut muscle as his hips ground into me. “There you go,” I whispered, my tongue against his skin. “You’re getting stronger already.”

“Quit distracting me and feed, you little minx.” He squeezed my ass, rubbing and grinding his cock against me while his wings carried us. “Only you could turn me on so much in the middle of a battle.”

“I’m sure Zach could too,” I said, taking greedy gulps of his desire while pushing love and affection back to him. We were an endless feedback loop, taking and giving to each other.

“Speaking of, I see the priests. Hold on, Deyva.”

Our bodies pressed together as he picked up speed, wings folding back as he dove toward the ground. Turning my head to look, I spotted my three guys forming a circle with their backs to each other, while hellions surrounded, closing in on them.

Az laughed amusedly at my protective growl. “Let’s save the day!” he yelled over the wind rushing in our ears.

Keeping one arm around his neck, I stretched the other out toward the enemies forming a gradually tighter circle around my boyfriends. Az copied the gesture, holding me secure against him with an arm around my waist.

Our outstretched palms glowed with holy light, growing brighter by the second. The hellions barely knew what hit them, blinded by the force of our combined power before being smited into oblivion.

“Deyva! Babe!” my guys called out to me.

Az released me, hovering a few feet off the ground. Within seconds, hands and mouths caressed me—touching my face, hugging me, kissing and caressing my horns. It all tasted beautiful, but I couldn’t allow myself to feed and drain them even more. I pushed strength into them instead, the resolve to win and end this. One by one, each man’s spine straightened up, their eyes growing a little brighter.

“Is anyone hurt?” I felt for pain, injuries, anything I needed to heal. To my immense relief, everything was surface level—scrapes and bruises. The guys were just exhausted. “How are the townspeople?” I asked when everyone had a chance to catch their breath.

“Good,” Kais panted, wiping sweat from his brow. “Back inside the gate, for now.”

“Is” Zach dared to ask, his face covered in soot. “Did we win?”

“As much as I’d enjoy that victory threesome now, I don’t think we should get too hopeful yet.” Az looked around, wings tense and high on his back.

The silence was just as eerie as the rattling, rasping, and shrieks of the hellions. Only a breeze howled softly as we walked along the gate’s perimeter, with Az buffing up the weak spots in the crucifixes. Taking out the few remaining hellions clinging to life, we all started to breath a bit easier upon nearly making a complete loop around the town.

Then the earth started to shake.

“You two, get in the air!” Stavros shoved me at Az, who Copyright 2016 - 2024