Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,135

turned to all of you in their darkest times, all of which will pale compared to what’s going to happen very soon. Some of them may not make it through this. They need to know their priests are with them.”

“He’s right,” I said. “Az and I are the big muscle in this fight, but it’s you guys the people believe in. They’ll be the most comforted, the most ready, after hearing from you.”

Stavros' gaze rested on me, his weariness and self-doubt the most distinctive flavors coming from him. We were all scared. And these men had been fighting for so long, always holding on by a thread. The sense of finality hung heavily over the town. Either this was when the thread finally snapped, or the first step for humans to take their world back.

I pushed a concentration of love and admiration toward him, not just my own, but what I’d gathered up from the people of Bethel. They owed their lives to these priests and not one of them took it for granted.

Stavros smiled at the swell of emotions that filled him, and he nodded in agreement. “You’re right. Thank you, babe.”

I turned to Kais next, snipping off a bit of what I gave Stavros for my warrior priest. The heaviness in his shoulders settled as he aimed a warm smile my way. After seeing what his people were capable of against the hellbats, the intense fears of loss plaguing him had lessened. And I had to give myself a pat on the back for fucking the nightmares out of him. Now, well-rested and balanced, he was ready to lead.

Saving the rest for Zach, my youngest boyfriend beamed with love and devotion, not only to his faith, but the people he protected. As the least jaded of us, the hope within him shined the brightest. I hoped—no, I knew—he would inspire the people of Bethel if things got bleak on the battlefield.

Once juiced up with a little extra love from me, the priests headed for the church where the townspeople awaited their instructions. Az and I followed a few paces behind them. The angel grabbed my hand with an affectionate squeeze, topping me off with warm emotions after I gave a little to the priests.

“You gave the spotlight to someone else,” I teased him. “I’m shocked.”

“Oh, I’ll have it again during the battle,” he grinned. “I’ll make sure everyone sees when I make balloon animals out of old Kim’s gonads.”

“I hope that’s not you claiming dibs on him,” I said. “Not to knock you off your high horse, but the honor of killing him should go to me.”

“Let’s share him,” Az suggested excitedly. “Pass him back and forth a bit, but you can deliver the killing blow.”

“That’s if he bothers to show up,” I grumbled, entering the side door of the church.

“He will,” Az insisted, following me down the hallway to the gym. “Naturally, he’ll let his hellions and generals get slaughtered first, but he’ll want to be there to claim you himself. But don’t worry, Deyva.” The angel stopped me just outside the gym door with a turn of my shoulder to face him. “I won’t let you get drained enough for him to take you. We’ll keep coming back to each other to keep each other juiced, deal?”

I nodded, trying to stamp down the fear before he could sense it. I wasn’t worried about him or me being powerful enough to take him on, but what if I choked? Kimaris rendered me a scared little shell just from his visits in my dreams. It felt like so long since I saw him in the flesh, what if I wasn’t mentally able to handle it?

Azariah promptly shoved those thoughts away by grabbing my chin and pressing a hard kiss to my lips. Pure, angelic love filled me, practically lifting me off the floor as his tongue stroked inside my mouth. One beat of those wings had my back pressed to the wall, Az’s hips pinning me in place as he filled me to overflowing with the inner strength I desperately needed.

“Are you absolutely certain we don’t have time for quickie right here?” He lifted my knee to wrap around his hip, fingers digging into my thigh as he pressed his growing erection against me.

“We should be listening to the speech,” I panted, reluctantly pressing back on his shoulders. “But thank you.”

“After we win then.” He smirked, stealing a final kiss before releasing me from the wall. “We’ll celebrate Copyright 2016 - 2024