Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,119

a mass of warm, sweat-dewed male muscle. I let myself imagine just being stuck here like this, pinned beneath them in that endless moment, aftershocks teasing at us all gently.

Then Stavros sighed, retreating from a hissing Zach, and rolling down to my left, Zach on my right, both of them cuddling close.

“Shit,” Zach said, wearing a loose and languid grin. “Deyva, you’re like…”

“Our insatiable little succubus,” Stavros murmured, nuzzling into my shoulder and leaving a wet kiss.

I hummed, glad it was dark, relieved they couldn’t see the tears tracking down my cheeks. I’d made a night of it, dragging their pleasure out over and over in every way I could think of. Not for my hunger. Partly for their enjoyment and because I’d just wanted to have this.

Mostly though…

“Love you, Dey,” Stavros mumbled. “Love you, Zach.”

“Lovyaboth,” Zach answered drowsily before making that sweet little ‘hmm’ as he started to fall asleep.

Mostly I’d fucked their brains out so they’d sleep through my departure.

“I love you,” I whispered, the tears already thickening my voice, but the guys were too wiped out to catch it.

I gave myself a few minutes of this—this peace, the warmth of them surrounding me, Zach’s cock still damp against my hip, his breath puffing warmly against my horn. Stavros' hand was cupped just under my breast, his leg tangled heavily over mine.

When Stavros was snoring and Zach had flopped onto his back, I heard the cry from the hall. I slid out of the bed and Stavros wiggled unconsciously to the middle, the pair of them used to me drifting away in the night now. I stood naked in the room, moonlight filtering through mist to brush against my toes on the floor. Stavros' t-shirt, the one I’d basically claimed, was draped over a chair with my leggings, and I longed to slide it over my head.

But I didn’t want to take any piece of my strong-hearted lover with me back to Hell. I didn’t want to take pure Zach either, or—

The groan called from across the hall, and I slowly pulled the bottom drawer of Stavros’ dresser open, fishing out the dress I’d arrived from Hell in, still torn and ragged. He’d tucked it there for me at my own request, although I’d read the confusion and discomfort on his face at the time.

I shuddered as it slid over my head. The fabric was cool and silky, like a wet tongue laying claim to me again, and I bit back the whimper in my throat, heading for the door.

Azariah had taken over the night shift patrols, less in need of rest than my priests, and Kais had grown used to a full night’s sleep in such a short amount of time now that I was pulling away his terrors. I padded to his room, found him on his back in his bed. He was pressed close to the wall, one arm spread across the mattress like he was waiting for me to take my place next to him.

Kais was perhaps my greatest regret. Stavros and Zach had found one another in this, they could take comfort in that when I left, but Kais…

I sat down at his side, watching the lines carving into his face go smooth as I pressed every beautiful drop I’d unwillingly caught from Stavros and Zach into him, enough to ensure he’d make it through the night. Enough to leave me drained, a little tired and hollow, and not sure if the full body ache I was suffering was a symptom of hunger or the understanding of everything I was giving up.

Everything you’re trying to save, I reminded myself.

Kais sighed and started to shift toward me. I leaned down, taking a brief whiff of him, skimming my lips over his forehead, and then stood, moving quietly out of the room and leaving him to his rest. He was stronger now, every day a little more at peace. He would survive me leaving too, although I knew he’d be cursing my name for a while.

It had been selfish to come here. Selfish to turn to these men for safety and not think of the kind of spotlight I’d be shining on them, calling to Hell to come and finally wipe out the defiant good still left in the world.

It was time to go.

Every step out of the priests’ house brought another clawing stab to my chest, but somehow the pain just made it easier to leave. I really did love these men. I really Copyright 2016 - 2024