Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,89

her dress inside. “Then, we strolled along the river and kissed…” Her mind stalled, returning to the bridge. Our breaths shallow, hips shaking, my gasps muffled in his coat. She eased the garment bag’s zipper closed, careful not to snag any sequins along its upward journey. “Back at his, Tarquin went all out. He had chocolate, fresh strawberries, and sparkling apple cider from Borough Market, and he drew us a candlelit bubble bath. It was cozy and romantic—”

Sarah grimaced. “And you bailed?”

Leia pressed her lips together, a barely audible “Yes” escaping.

“Leia!” Sarah pulled a small, curly-shaped chocolate from the purple foil bag.

“I couldn’t stay!” With a defiant click of the hanger, Leia left Simon’s garment bag hanging alongside the other two. “Not after I…” She ran her hand through her hair. “I might’ve…”

Sarah chewed slowly. “What did you do this time?” she mumbled through her mouthful.

“What are you eating?” asked Leia, eyes narrowing.

“Caramel curls covered in milk chocolate. Want one?”

Caramel… Tarquin’s fave. Leia’s stomach flip-flopped. “No thanks.”

“So”—Sarah dove into the bag of candy again—“spill.”

Leia sighed and plunked down beside her half-packed suitcase, splayed open on the floor. A ring of folded clothes waiting to be placed inside circled her like a textile fence. “Before Violetta called, Tarquin and I discussed continuing our fling.” She winced. “I said I’d change my flight, stay in London a little longer.”

A smile lit up Sarah’s face. “Aw! You were gonna stay?!”

Leia nodded sheepishly. “You look like Tarquin did—over the moon.”

“So, basically, you raised his hopes and then, what? Slashed them all to shit?” Sarah leaned forward, shaking her head. “What were you thinking, tossing that out there?”

“I wasn’t tossing anything! I meant it. I was going to change my flight after I called you back, but Violetta’s name popped up before I could do any of that. I thought she was gonna say the job went to someone else. I didn’t expect an offer and a start date!”

“You know, this aggro could’ve been avoided if you’d just asked for a later one.”

“I couldn’t!” Leia refolded a Roots sweatshirt from her case that was already perfectly packed. “Remember the grumpy HR guy? He wasn’t crabby—he was sick. Violetta said he keeled over after my interview and was rushed to hospital with appendicitis.”

Sarah flinched and left the half-empty bag of chocolate on her lap. “Ouch!”

“The hiring process stopped dead. Violetta didn’t talk to him again until he was home a few days later. They both agreed I was the best candidate and second interviews wouldn’t be necessary.”

“So why didn’t she offer you the job a week ago?”

“Her hands were tied until he returned to the office and prepared the paperwork, and with that delay and the new fashion exhibit launching this spring, they need me ASAP.”

“Monday.” Sarah pressed her lips together. “So, tough luck, Tarquin.”

I messed up. Leia placed another sweater in her case. “Everything we’d talked about five minutes earlier became null and void.”

“Shit. What did he say?”

Leia sat back. “Well, he congratulated me, gave me a kiss. We hugged. It was lovely, warm, and comforting.” Just like when I told him about the accident. An ache swelled in her chest. “But when he pulled away, he looked like I had cancelled Christmas and stolen all the presents.”

“Oh, my god—you’re the Grinch!”

“Don’t joke.” Leia grimaced, recalling Tarquin’s beloved Dr. Seuss book collection lovingly tucked away in his red phone box. “It was awful…and awkward. He quickly switched to happy-go-lucky Tarquin, but it was too late. I knew how he really felt. There was no way I could climb into the tub and pretend everything was hunky-dory. I’m not cruel!”

“I know you’re not.”

“But I could’ve handled it better. I did a panic blurt, said I had to go pack my things. Tarquin didn’t even try to convince me to stay over. He offered to drive me home, but…I couldn’t take advantage.” Leia expelled a heavy breath. “I never wanted to hurt him, Saz. That’s why I was honest, right from the start. That’s why I asked him twice if he wanted something more. Both times he said no.”

“Surprise! He lied.” Sarah shook her head.

“Obviously. UGH!” Leia bent over and buried her face in her hands. “I wanted sex with him so bad I shrugged off my doubts and went for it. I let him get too attached.”

“No, you didn’t. That’s the risk that comes with hookups.”

“Thanks! Tell me something I don’t know!”

“Well, maybe you should rethink this whole casual sex thing, eh?” asked Sarah. “Because for Copyright 2016 - 2024