Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,68


Tarquin shifted backward out of the line of fire, taking his pint with him. If looks could kill.

“I’m saving mine for breakfast,” said Jordan, reassembling the splayed-open box.

“Sorry, Ley,” said Sarah, planting several ten-pound notes amidst the empty glasses and discarded plates. “Didn’t I mention my early conference call? They’re totally throwing me into the deep end!” Dodging Leia’s unrelenting frown, she shrugged into the sleeves of her coat.

Jordan caught the elder Scott’s headshake. “Oh, do you want another slice?”

“No, but I’d like another sister,” Leia grumbled under her breath.

Remind me not to make you angry. Tarquin took a long sip of his pint, staying out of the exchange.

Sarah ducked under the strap of her purse, hanging it across her body. “Tarquin, we’ll be in touch?”

He lowered the rim of the glass from his lips, his gaze stuttering away from Leia, her cheeks burning pink. “Yes! Very soon.”

“Great!” Sarah smiled, unlocking her chair’s brakes. “Ley, text me if you’re gonna be late.” She reversed and curved sharply, following Jordan, who looked over his shoulder and waved, the cake box cradled in his grasp.

I can feel Leia prickling with anger. Tarquin looked away from the lively Tuesday night crowd and snuck a sidelong glance. Holy death stare. She’s about to explode.

“I’m gonna kill her!”

Why? Because she left us alone? Tarquin’s chest pinched. “What’s she done?”

Leia shook her phone. “My texts tonight? They weren’t from me—no. Sarah sent them. She invited you here.”

“What?” Oh, shit! Tarquin’s face began to prickle with heat. Bollocks! Her sister… saw my sext?! He gulped and cleared his throat. “Uh…she did?”

“Yeah.” Leia plowed her free hand through her hair. “She must’ve done it when I got up to get the cake. See for yourself…” She offered him her phone.

Tarquin squinted at the conversation, starting with Leia’s message from the afternoon.

Leia: Lovin’ the picnic. THANKS! Especially the macarons. Shame you’re not on the menu—NAKED.

Tarquin: I’m liking THAT visual a little too much. I’m getting hard just thinking about you. I wonder…what tastes sweeter—you or the macarons? Fancy finding out?

Leia: Like you have to ask, big boy! I’ve missed that sexy body of yours. I’m gagging for it. Come meet me at St. Bart’s Brewery on West Smithfield, across from the market. xo

Tarquin: Blimey, that’s convenient! I’m on site in Clerkenwell. Be there in ten!

Leia: Hell to the yeah! Get that sexy ass down here! Grab a pint and come find me. I’m near the back with friends. xo

Tarquin let out a sharp exhale and handed back her phone. “Wow. That’s bloody embarrassing. Looks like we were set up.”

“‘I’m gagging for it’—gimme a break! I would never say that.” Leia seethed. “Fucking Saz! I would’ve told you but—I didn’t want to embarrass you, or make a scene. And she knew it! Jesus! I hate when she plays me.”

“Well, I feel stupid, too.” Tarquin nudged away his untouched cake slice. “I should’ve listened to my gut.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just, you”—he shook his head, trying to course-correct—“I mean, Sarah mentioned hanging with friends. You and I agreed—no friends, no family.”

Leia nodded. “Funny enough, I met Alex today. She dropped in at Simon’s.”

Really? Tarquin’s head snapped back. “Uh…?!”

“She’s lovely. Thinks highly of you.”

“Yeah? Well, the feeling’s mutual. She’s a good friend.” Tarquin cleared his throat. “Leia, I know Sarah’s message should’ve been a red flag, but…” He offered a disappointed smile. “I wanted to see you. I thought—when I saw the xos…maybe you’d changed your mind about those rules.”

“I’m sorry, Tarquin.” She avoided eye contact, shifting the flowers aside. “I haven’t.”

Her admission felt like a fifty-pound barbell had fallen on his chest, cutting off his breath. I really thought we had something. Fuck! I shouldn’t have come. It’s made everything worse. He loosened his tie. Looks like my night’s over. “Ah. Okay…” With a tight-lipped smile, he pushed his chair back. “I’ll leave you to it. And don’t worry, I won’t text you again—”

“No!” Leia grabbed his suit’s sleeve. “Stay. Please?” Her grip loosened. “If you want to.”

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes.” She released his arm and tossed her phone on the table. “I have to tell you something.”

Oh? Is this good or bad? He sat back down. “Shoot.”

Leia closed her eyes in frustration. “I’m sorry I’m such a hot-headed freak. None of this is your fault, okay?” Her eyelashes flitted open. “Saz always meddles, thinks she knows better than me.”

“Is she older?”

“Younger.” Leia yanked the gold band on her right hand round and round her finger like each rough twist Copyright 2016 - 2024