Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,31

own huge homes all over Europe. They even have a village, a castle, and a hospital on the Orkney Islands named after them. Saz, it makes me uncomfortable. Guys like him use wealth and power to control people.” She let her sister ride up onto the sidewalk first and followed. “I’ve seen it in New York. I know you’ve seen it here. Nothing comes without strings attached—especially sex. I don’t want to get tangled up in that.”

“Yeah, but you can more than hold your own. It’s not like you’re hurting for cash, either.”

Leia shook her head. “Only because Tyler was a cheating, lying scumbag. And it’s not like my settlement comes anywhere close to Tarquin’s wealth. I can’t afford to splurge on clothes or a big house. That money pays my rent and funds Frill-Seekers—for now. It won’t last forever. I need that full-time Institute job and a financial backer. Frill-Seekers won’t survive without one.”

“Play your cards right, sis—maybe Tarquin could fund Frill-Seekers!”

“Uh. No.” Wide-eyed, Leia whispered, holding the garment bag against her parka, away from the rain. “I can’t have sex with him and then take his money. Jesus, Saz!”

“Well, it’s an option.” Sarah steered around a row of recycling bins and Leia dropped behind. “So, he’s obnoxiously rich, impossibly single, drop-dead handsome”—Sarah looked over her shoulder—“and probably a total player.”

Leia grimaced.

“That’s not a bad thing, Ley. No neediness, no broken hearts. Just lots of condoms in the bedside table and toe-curling sex on demand…he’s exactly the guy you’re looking for, if you think about it.”

Leia covered them both with the umbrella again. “Yeah, I guess.” And everything was going great until I got all touchy-feely when he seemed sad, telling me about his mom pulling him out of cross-country. I broke Rule #1: no feelings. I panicked and couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Talk about sending mixed messages…

“It’s the perfect fling.” Sarah smiled. “In two weeks, you’ll fly back to New York, and he’ll move on to his next conquest. I’m sure he’s not short of admirers, not with money and good looks.” She chuckled. “God, listen to me. Forget my TED Talks on ableism—I should be dishing out sex advice.” Sarah stared up at her sister, who silently looked straight ahead. A black cab honked at a passing motorcycle, so she raised her voice and tried again. “Ley, I know the rich thing seems like a red flag and your brain is screaming, Wrong guy, wrong time, but can’t you see that’s good? There’s no chance you’ll fall in love with him.”

“I don’t plan to fall in love with anyone.”

“Okay, great! So call him!”

“I feel weird, though, booty-calling him out of the blue,” said Leia, fighting against a gust of wind with the umbrella. “I saw the trainer three, four times at the gym before we slept together.”

“The Trainer—forever nameless.” Sarah veered around a discarded pizza box. “Just an anonymous penis you played with for a while.”

A snorty laugh burst from beneath the umbrella. “His name is Xavi—the trainer, not the penis. Happy now?” Leia squeezed the garment bag in her arms while Sarah nodded her approval. “Anyway! I feel like I have to ask Tarquin out first—but without it feeling like a date-date.”

“Well, what’s he into? Choose the least romantic option.”

“Scuba diving and rock climbing? He mentioned those.” Leia cringed. “I get hives just thinking about those things.”

“Why? It’s not like you’ll be doing him on the side of a mountain.” Sarah snickered. “What about an art gallery? That’s safe. You’ll love the Tate Modern. Lots of pop art.”

“I dunno. I think he’s more sporty than arty.”

“Go skating, then. You brought your skates with you, right? You could show off how flexible you are.”

“Saz!” Leia laughed. “Yeah, I guess we could go skating. Hey, remember that rink Dad found online? The Tower of London one where they used to torture and behead people? Maybe we should go there. Blood and gore definitely ticks the ‘non-romantic’ box.”

“Nah, go to Somerset House,” said Sarah. “It’s this beautiful neoclassical building on the Strand, and every Christmas there’s a rink in their courtyard. It’s pretty and sooo London.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t sound romantic at all.” Leia smirked.

“You’ve done zero sightseeing while you’ve been here. Go see it and have a truly London experience—before it closes for the season.”

Leia bit back her grin. “I don’t know. I wish this wasn’t so complicated.”

“It’s not.” Sarah squinted ahead. “You’re the one complicating things.”

“But what about Simon? We could be business associates, friends. Copyright 2016 - 2024