Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,26

villa in Greece, then.

“Holy. Hell.” She fell back against the bench and let out a half-laugh. “Sorry, Sir Balfour, I didn’t know I had to curtsey.”

“I’ll let you off this time.” Tarquin forced out a chuckle. Like there’s going to be a next time. Dammit, I didn’t think she was the gold-digging type. Lowering his head, he stared at the phone screen. Brace yourself—you know she’s going to ask. They always ask: What car do you drive? Which do you prefer, shopping in Knightsbridge or New Bond Street? Cristal or Moët?

“Where’s your dad?” Leia peered at the phone. “He’s missing from the photos.”

Oh? I didn’t expect that. Her change of subject coaxed a cautious smile back to Tarquin’s face. “A business trip, lucky bastard.” He flicked the screen, rolling to another photo of his family in bathing suits lounging poolside on daybeds—indoors. The swimmers’ paradise boasted intricate mosaic tiles, stone pillars, and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking an expanse of green lawn. A majestic waterfall, adorned with tropical flowering plants, bubbled in the room’s far corner.

Wide-eyed, Leia’s head drew back, a barely audible “Wow” slipping from her lips.

“But little good it would’ve done if Dad had been there. Mum was the one in charge of family business. She still would’ve pulled us out of school and made us wear ridiculous clothes.”

Leia did a double take between Tarquin and the pool of dreams. “But at least you’re wearing board shorts. It could’ve been a lot worse.”

“Speedos?!” He met her eyes and cringed. “God, yeah. I’d never live that down.” Returning to the photo, he gently shook his head. “I missed an important Latin exam that day, but Mum didn’t care. Her career always came first. Dad knew it. We all did. We were just the supporting cast.”

“Nikolai, Rupert, and Tarquin Balfour.” Leia shifted forward, leaving his side and returning her glass to the table. “Well, those are dramatic names!”

“It gets worse. Our full names are Nikolai Crispin, Rupert Magnus, and Tarquin Octavius.”

Looking over her shoulder, she stifled a laugh. “Did your parents hate you or something?”

“Sometimes I think so.”

“I always wanted a middle name.” She dropped back against the bench but didn’t stray into his space. “Something normal. Something I could use instead of Leia.”

Tarquin’s jaw dropped with mock shock. “That’s blasphemy!” He relaxed into a playful smile and picked up his cocktail. “You could’ve done what my mother did—rebrand yourself.” He knocked the orange garnish riding the lip of his glass into the red liquid and took a long sip.

“I thought Kiki was short for Katherine.”

He swallowed and shook his head, setting his drink on the table. “Hell no. Her real name is Tracey. Tracey Pinches.”

Leia gaped.

“I know, right? She changed it when she started modeling in the mid-eighties. First, she was Kiki Lascelles, then Lascelles became Balfour when she married Dad.” His fingers swept over the screen, landing on a photo depicting domestic family bliss. Kiki, dressed in an aqua Juicy Couture tracksuit, was flattening a slab of dough with a rolling pin while her three sons stuffed their faces with fresh-baked shortbread cookies. “Her personal assistant made these. Mum never baked a day in her life!” Tarquin set Leia’s phone on the table. “We had a huge row when this article came out. She said I made her look like a bad mother.”


“My sneezing, my red eyes? I looked like I had been bawling. She said I damaged her image, eroded her self-esteem—so bloody melodramatic, my mother.” He shook his head. “So, in typical Kiki fashion, she chipped away at mine—she took away my skateboard, told the girl I liked to stop hanging about, and yanked me out of cross-country trials. I was really good, too. I was supposed to represent Berkshire in the national championships. I never got the chance again. I was gutted, actually.”

“Tarquin, I’m so sorry.” Leia reached out, clutching his forearm. “That must’ve hurt.”

His eyes flitted down to her hand, her grip soft and reassuring. She’s so lovely. He looked up with a wistful smile and met Leia’s eyes, but she abruptly pulled her hand away like she had been zapped with an electric shock.


Leia swerved his gaze and snatched her drink, her lips desperate for her glass.

What’s with the unsettled look? His stomach pinched. Did I say something wrong? What did I do? He ran his hand over his chin, his lips twisting. She seems out of sorts. Say something to put her at ease. Dropping his hand into his lap, he flashed a wry Copyright 2016 - 2024