Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,146

raking his hand through his hair. “Mum, maybe we should grab you some lunch? Champagne on an empty stomach…”

Kiki elbowed Leia. “You know, I walked in on him once. Kecks off, busy wank—”

“Lovely service, wasn’t IT?!” Loud and terse, Tarquin cut her off, his glare a stern warning.

Oh, man. So embarrassing. Leia winced. And drunk? She stroked Tarquin’s back, wishing she could take away his discomfort.

“Oh, yes! It was absolutely preciousssh,” Kiki slurred, her voice rising. “Shame it was held here, though! I’d be tickled pink if I never set foot on this WINDSWEPT HELLHOLE again!”

She didn’t! Leia flinched as faces stared in their direction, their usual Orkney warmth cooling—rapidly.

Tarquin scrunched his face. “Mum!”

“What?” Kiki shrugged off his plea, her flurry of blinks heavy with disdain. “I’m not allowed to speak my truth?! If it wasn’t for your brother…” She swigged her champagne.

“Yeah, well, I’m sure Rupert’s grateful you could fit him in.”

“Rupert? No! I’m here for Nikolai! He’s in crisis. He needs me…and it looks like I need another glass.”

Leia gulped back her shock, keeping a neutral expression while Tarquin grimaced and swept his hair back off his forehead. This is so fucked up.

“Nick is an adult, Mum. He can clean up his own mess.”

Kiki flounced closer to her son and scoured the party like a hawk hunting for prey. “Where is he?” She tapped a saved number in her phone.

“He left,” Tarquin lied, tilting his head. “But Rupes is here with Poppy—you know, your granddaughter? Baptized today?”

“Dammit!” Wrinkling her nose, Kiki dropped the phone from her ear. “Nikolai’s voicemail.”

“You could give Poppy a cuddle, show you care…for once.”

Kiki threw a dismissive glare around the room. “Spit-up and couture don’t mix, sweetie.”

“Ah! Silly me.” Tarquin’s eyes flashed.

“The things I do for you kids. I should be in London recuperating! Yesterday nearly killed me.”

Do I dare ask out of politeness? Leia glanced at her boyfriend.

“Mum was the special guest at a comic con in Manchester. Meeting fans, posing for photos—back-breaking work.” His sarcasm hung in the air as he reclaimed his bottle and guzzled the remaining ale.

“It was HELL, Tarquin!” Kiki fired back, trading her empty glass for a full champagne flute offered by a sheepish server. “There was no first-class treatment, no exclusive green room for top-billed guests. They stuck me at a shared autograph table with some chatty nobody from Star Gazer.” Her glare swerved between Tarquin and Leia, seeking an ally. “You know! Star Gazer?! From 1998, barely lasted a season?!”

Leia attempted a sympathetic smile as Tarquin left his finished beer on the table. “Sorry, Mrs. Balfour, I don’t. I’m not into sci-fi.”

“And your name is Leia?” Kiki tsked. “That’s ironic.”

“And perfect.” Tarquin laced his fingers through hers, giving her hand a squeeze. “We immediately had something in common: odd names bestowed upon us by our odd parents.”

You know it, Quinzie! Leia shared a grin with her boyfriend.

Kiki muttered something and dove back into her phone.

“Apart from the table drama”—Tarquin pulled his gaze away from Leia—“yesterday must’ve been ace, meeting all the Equinox Ten—”

“Fat fanboys with B.O. and acne?” Kiki cut Tarquin off, rolling her eyes as she looked up. “No, it was ghastly! And don’t get me started on their sad cosplay attempts or ridiculous questions about lasers and space bombs. It was all terribly depressing.”

“And handsomely paid,” said Tarquin.

“Contractual obligation! Anyway, enough! I don’t want to talk about it anymore!” She knocked back her fresh glass of champagne.

“You brought it up,” Tarquin mumbled, widening his eyes at Leia. “Change of topic, then. Leia just held her first fashion show in London! Got tons of buzz.”

Lowering her champagne, Kiki left a gooey crescent of pink gloss on the rim. “Oh, I know. You’re ‘the girl who makes clothes out of garbage’. What’s that called? Dumpster diving?”

That’s a new one! Leia chuckled.

Tarquin delivered a cutting glare. “For Christ sake! She doesn’t sew with garbage!”

“I don’t dumpster dive, either. Although, maybe I should? Might be fun.” Leia laughed, shrugging away the oddity of Kiki’s ridiculous comment. “My fashions are entirely upcycled, so I take unused fabric, old and damaged clothes, and use sustainable materials like hemp and organic cotton to create beautiful dresses, jackets—anything, really.”

Tarquin proudly nodded. “Leia is all about second chances, like I am with buildings.” He swung her hand reassuringly. “Just because something is old or broken doesn’t mean you toss it away, right?”

Kiki sighed. “Aww, how sweet. But wait…Leia, isn’t that what you did with Brooke? Simply tossed her away?”


Leia’s stomach plummeted. How does Copyright 2016 - 2024