Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,137

Alex had one, I think. Tarquin smiled into a nod. “Aw, Leia! Ava will love him.”

“I also found her a Tessa Virtue Barbie.”

“There’s a doll?!”

“Yeah. Dad couriered her over from Canada last week.”

I couldn’t adore you more. Tarquin’s eyes darted from the road, taking in her soft lips turned up in a grin. “You are amazing, Leia Scott! Ava will be doing cartwheels.” He lifted her hand, giving her knuckles a sweet kiss. “So, what would Ava’s new bestie like to do this afternoon? We could go into town, grab lunch, or go exploring before the sun goes down—your call.”

“How early does the sun set?”

“It’ll be dark around half three. Today we get only seven hours of light.”

“Wow. We are north!”

“Yeah, the joys of an Orkney winter. The summers make up for it, though. During the solstice, it doesn’t get dark at all. You could sit outside at midnight and read, go for a hike, play golf.”

Leia gaped. “That must be so weird.”

“It takes some getting used to. That’s why everyone has blackout curtains! But it’s really beautiful with the sky all fiery oranges and stunning pinks and purples. There’s nothing like it.”

“I’ll have to come back.”

Or never leave. He grinned. “The standing stones aren’t too far from the farm if you fancy it?”

She gave Tarquin a flirty smile. “Oh, I fancy it, all right—but I fancy you more! Our FaceTime sex this week was epic.”

It was. He grinned, remembering how hard he came when Leia writhed and gasped his name, falling apart as she climaxed. So hot! It’s now my go-to for wanking. Heat rushed south of his belt buckle. Who needs porn when I’ve got Leia?

“But it felt like a cruel tease. Look, engage, but don’t touch. And I love touching you, tasting you…feeling you deep inside me.” Her hand broke away from his, traveling up his thigh. “Ten hard months, Tarquin.” She stroked the hot tightness bulging the crotch of his jeans. “I’m so wet for you.”

Christ! Tarquin groaned and floored the gas pedal. “I’ll have us there in fifteen.”

The warm glow of the wood crackling in the stone fireplace highlighted the trail of discarded jeans, Leia’s sweatshirt, and Tarquin’s sweater scattered across the hardwood floor. The master bedroom took up a third of the old barn’s top floor but felt welcoming and cozy with its woven wool throw rugs, traditional high-backed Orkney chairs, and framed photos of the islands’ rugged shores. Leia’s flowers, a symphony of wild purple blooms in a blown-glass vase, lent an extra homey touch.

Waiting for Leia to emerge from the bathroom, Tarquin left a bottle of lube on the bedside table and eased back into a mountain of pillows. He tore open a condom, the anticipatory ache of finally being together eclipsing all thoughts of sightseeing, family obligations, and the future. All that mattered was reuniting with Leia, body and soul.

A week apart felt like a fucking eternity, and sex over video chat only intensified my hunger for her. I’m craving the sweet indulgence of her mouth, the softness of her curves, her moans feathered against my skin. I want to worship her, cherish her… love her. Forever.

The water taps stilled and Leia reappeared in her black panties, her smile muted as she gripped her small purse.

This isn’t the same Leia I was snogging mere minutes ago. Tarquin sat up. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She pressed her lips together and left her purse on a chair. “I just got my period.” Letting out a sharp exhale, she dropped down on the bed, tucking her feet beneath her bum. “It’s early. I wasn’t supposed to get it for a few days, but I guess the air travel messed up my cycle. It happens sometimes.”

Is she in pain? “Can I get you anything? A hot water bottle, ibuprofen…your favorite chocolate?”

“Chocolate.” She half-chuckled. “Thanks, I’ll definitely have some later. I just took a pain reliever.” Spying the condom in his hand, Leia gave a weak smile. “Sorry, Tarquin.”

“About what?”

Her eyes slid wantonly to his lonely erection, sprung, loaded, and insanely hard. “Getting you all hot for reunion sex and now having to bail.”

We’ve never talked about having sex when she has her period. I guess she abstains? He left the condom on its wrapper and moved closer, embracing her in a reassuring hug. “Leia, we haven’t had sex for ten months—we can wait a few more days.”

“It’ll be four more days. That’s how long it usually lasts.” She bit her bottom lip. “But I could give you Copyright 2016 - 2024