Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,126

there, Shan! Leia felt a soft squeeze of her forearm, and Alex’s petite grandmother from Manchester smiled up at her.

Eighty years young, Joan Sinclair had kept everyone laughing during the week’s fittings and rehearsals with her ribald tales of backstage hijinks as a dancer/actress in the late fifties. “Thanks again for including me, love.” Her rosy grin, silvery pixie cut, and spritely presence easily defied her age by a decade. “I’m usually at the football or on my motorbike, so it’s a rare treat, wearing such fancy clothes! In Manchester red, too!”

A motorbike at eighty? God, if I could be half as ballsy now! “You look beautiful, Joan.”

Alex leaned in. “Joan practically lives in her David Beckham Manchester United top.”

Love how Alex calls her gran by her name. Leia nodded. “Hey, coming from a pro sports family, I completely understand!”

Joan beamed. “That’s my girl! Let us know if you get up north. We’ll go see a game at Old Trafford!”

The makeup artist and Simon pulled away from Shantelle simultaneously like a Formula One pit crew. “Perfection.” He gave Leia a pleased nod.

A headset-wearing member of the venue’s staff arrived at Leia’s side, clipboard in hand. “We’re ready to go. Runway is clear, guests are seated, and cameras are recording. The feed is live on your backstage monitor. When you’re ready, just say the word, and we’ll lower the lights, turn on the spots, and start your music.”

There’s no turning back now! Nerves swirled inside Leia’s stomach. Thirteen minutes will be over in a blink. You’ve got this! Just enjoy it! “Thank you!” She squeezed her water bottle and exhaled a pent-up breath.

Simon raised a brow. “You okay? Need more time?”

“No, I’m good!” She grinned and studied the eager faces smiling back. “Oh, wow! You all look so incredible!”

“We feel incredible,” said Freddie, swishing the skirt of his dress. “I’ve always wanted to be a model, and Si’s always dreamed of marrying one!” He laughed as Simon shook his head. “How are you holding up, darling?”

“I’m buzzing on pure adrenaline!” said Leia. “This doesn’t feel real.”

Riley grinned, her green eyes shining beneath her strawberry blonde bangs. “It’s gonna feel real super quick, Ley.” She laughed before continuing in her Staten Island twang. “It’s packed in there, and they’re all here for you!”

Tall and slim with an adorable mischievous air, Ben fussed with his unruly dark hair and nodded in agreement. His chiseled cheekbones and sparkly blue eyes were born for the runway—and his Frill-Seekers cerulean shirtdress. “Riles is right. I overheard two ladies raving about your Met Gala gown. I’m no fashion expert, but I reckon you’re gonna kick ass tonight.”

They’re so adorable together. I’m glad we’re in touch again. “Well, if I do, it’s down to all of you, looking so freakin’ gorgeous in my clothes.” Gratitude throbbed in Leia’s chest. Time to rally the troops. “Okay, before we start, I just want to THANK YOU again for starring in my first-ever fashion show. It’s so fitting that you’re my models. Frill-Seekers is for people just like you—people on the go, on the job, and on the town, people who live with integrity and agency, who crave thrills and adventure but always remember where they came from and never take themselves too seriously. It’s a label celebrating uniqueness, second chances, and sustainability, and I can’t wait for the experts on the other side of that wall to discover us.” She smiled, a lump wedged in her throat. “So, be bold and flirty out there, sing along to the songs, and dance your asses off, but most of all, be yourselves…be Frill-Seekers!”

A collective cheer and applause erupted from the group as Leia nodded to the event coordinator, who relayed instructions through his headset’s microphone.

“Let’s treat these folks to the unexpected!” Simon grinned, squeezing Leia’s shoulder.

She took her place just inside the door, set down her water bottle, and waved her first model forward. “Lucy?” Alex, Sarah, and the rest of the models all inched ahead in line, a mix of anticipation and nerves on their smiling faces. Each model would wear two outfits and have two trips down the runway. The only exception was Shantelle, who would make a third appearance, closing the Frill-Seekers show by Leia’s side.

The venue’s lighting softened and its music segued into Leia’s fashion show playlist, her three songs chosen for their uplifting vibes and lyrical relevance to Frill-Seekers’ mission—to show how beauty and enduring love can be found in the broken and forgotten.

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