Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,115

honest? He cleared his throat. “But I was bricking it, too. I didn’t know how you’d react, if you’d blank me or make excuses and leave. I’m so grateful you didn’t.” A soft smile curved his mouth. “I’m so grateful you’re here now. It means a lot, you listening, giving me this chance to explain and apologize.” It feels like the weight I’ve carried has finally lifted. He laid a hand on his chest. “I hope somehow you can find it in your heart to forgive me. These past few months have been bloody hard. I’ve missed you so much.”

Leia nodded. “I completely understand struggling with depression.” Looking up, she held his eyes for a beat, then blinked away. “The rest, not so much.”

His grin melted as his hand fell. “Sorry?”

“Oh, come on, Tarquin.” Her glare flew back at him, tinged with hurt and disappointment. “Don’t play dumb. You come here claiming you love me, but for seven whole fucking months you ignored me, signed up with some elite matchmaking service, and began a relationship with a celebrity chef. Just a week ago, you were planning to introduce her to your entire family!” She huffed. “So, despite all that, you expect me to welcome you back into my life with open arms?”

Fuck! Tarquin’s heart sank. The only thing missing from her argument is check and mate. His gaze fled, skimming the Kasmin Gallery’s rooftop garden on their right, its trio of colorful pop art installations by Robert Indiana standing tall amongst meadow flowers and aspen trees. But wait a minute… if she doesn’t want me in her life, why IS she so furious? He tugged at his bottom lip as his eyes landed on the third sculpture, the red, white, and blue LO stacked atop a VE. Fuck! He swallowed hard, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Because she had feelings for me! And still does… ?

A slight tremor shook her hands as she put on her sunglasses. “You know, my life’s great! I have zero emotional drama, no distractions. I can channel all my energy and passion into Frill-Seekers, which is thriving, by the way! Why would I gamble that on you—on anyone?”

Throw it out there. Fighting the nerves rolling in his belly, he took a chance. “Because you love me.”

Her mouth fell open and her sunglasses glinted back, cold, detached. “Oh, dream on, rich boy.” She crossed her arms and glanced away, shaking her head.

She’s in denial. He licked his lips and stepped closer. “Leia, I know we shared something real in London. I felt it. You did, too.”

A hard swallow bobbed her throat. “It’s called sexual chemistry, Tarquin. It’s great sex, nothing more.”

“But don’t you crave, you know, intimacy? Kissing? My god, Ginger, our kisses…” Tarquin leaned in. “Don’t you miss feeling so fucking good—with me?”

She pouted downward, her hands seeking refuge in her dress’s pockets. “No.”

I don’t believe her. Fuck, I wish she’d take those bloody shades off! His eyes narrowed. “But our last night in London, our dinner, back at mine…you wanted to stay over, have breakfast—obviously, you felt something for me if you broke your own rules—”

“Tarquin!” Leia looked up. “I didn’t come here for a deep dive into my sex life, okay? Or to profess my undying love for you!” Her chest rose and fell, her breaths short and fast. “I came here to wish you well and say goodbye.”

Goodbye? The word twisted and knotted in his throat. He sputtered, the heat and crowds suffocating. I can’t lose her again. He gently touched her arm. “Leia, let’s find some shade, somewhere air-conditioned. We can grab a bite, talk—”

“Don’t you have a plane to catch?” she blurted, brushing his hand away.

“I’ll rebook, move my meetings. Nothing is as important as you.”

Leia’s lip quivered. She dropped her chin, trading Tarquin’s earnest expression for the safety of her sandals. Perspiration glistened on her skin and her fingers poked erratically through the lace of her dress’s sleeve, unable to settle. “Look, I’m sorry if yesterday made you nostalgic for”—her voice cracked as her sunglasses slipped down her nose—“whatever you think we had, but…it’s over.”

NO! It can’t be! Her declaration twisted like a knife through his heart. “Leia, please!” Tarquin caught her eyes softening behind her frames. “You don’t mean that.” He forced out a staggered breath.

In a single swoop, her fingers evacuated her sleeve and prodded her shades, whisking them up her nose. She sniffed, skirting his gaze.

Wait… is she tearing up? Tarquin bent his neck, closing the Copyright 2016 - 2024