Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) - Karen Rose Page 0,171

laughed, startling himself. “You’re asking me now?”

Rafe grinned. “I’m my mother’s son. I’m nosy, but polite about it.” His grin faded. “I haven’t known Liza long, but I’m a pretty good judge of character. Liza has a giving heart and she is loyal. Maybe even to a fault. Definitely at the risk to her own safety.”

Tom’s eyes flashed to Rafe’s. Did he know about Sunnyside?

Rafe’s eyes narrowed. “I’m coming back to that look on your face, Hunter. But first, I’m going to say that my money’s on Liza forgiving your sorry ass. Now, what else do you know that I don’t? This is what you wanted to tell me tomorrow, isn’t it?”

Tom nodded. “You might want to sit down.”

Rafe pulled up a chair. “Talk.”

Tom did, telling him about Pastor and Sunnyside Oaks, and Liza getting a job there. When he finished, Rafe was equal parts stunned and furious. Which Tom had anticipated.

“You knew where he was and didn’t tell us?”

Tom sighed. “What would you have done? Stormed the place? We know where Pastor is. According to his chart, he’s supposed to be there for six weeks. We don’t know where Belmont is and he’s the biggest risk. But we’re looking for him. I promise you that. But we’re hoping to entice Pastor to tell us where Eden is, or at least to overhear him and DJ talking about it. Our goals are to find Eden, either use Pastor to lure DJ to the rehab center or wait for him to visit, then arrest them both.”

Rafe was still angry. “What was the job you wanted to hire me for, as a PI?”

“Guard her.”



“Isn’t that the FBI’s job?” Rafe asked sarcastically.

“And they’ll be there. They say she’s a priority, but . . . I need more than that.” The words were sharp, stealing his breath. He made himself breathe. “The Bureau’s priority is the mission. I want to believe that they’d cover Liza even if it meant letting Pastor or DJ go, but I can’t risk her life on that. Besides, everyone is all, ‘Oh, Liza is a soldier. She can take care of herself.’ ”

“She can.”

“But she won’t,” Tom said, panic rising to press on his chest. “You said it yourself. She is loyal at the risk to her own safety.”

“She’s doing this for Mercy, isn’t she?”

“And for Abigail. Gideon and Amos, too.”

“Does Gideon know?”

Tom shook his head. “No. And he’d be an awful choice to guard Liza even if he did. Pastor might recognize him. Belmont definitely would.”

“They might also recognize me,” Rafe pointed out.

“We can fix that. You’ve done undercover before. Gideon never has and I don’t think he’d be good at it, but you were. You never could have stayed in your UC role after Bella was killed without being able to hide your emotions.”

“True as well. So how are you going to get me in there? If I say yes, that is.”

“I’m not sure yet. It may be as simple as smuggling you into the employee parking lot in the back of that SUV that your dad loaned her so you’ll be close by in case everything goes to hell. Might be as complicated as getting you inside as an IT guy. We’re working on giving them some network problems.”

“When does she start?”

“Tuesday morning. So I have until then to figure something out.”

Rafe stood, leaning on his cane. “Let me know. Either way, I’m in. She’s charging into danger for Mercy. It’s the least I can do.”

Rafe left and Tom remained, wishing he could take a damn nap. He hadn’t been so exhausted in a long time. Not since he’d been on the hunt for Tory’s killer. It had sapped every bit of life from his soul.

He wondered if the loss of that life from his soul, that feeling of hope, had been permanent.

He wondered what he was going to do about Liza. He wondered if, when he figured it out, it would be too late.

And then he noticed a text on his personal cell phone. Saw the story from last night online. You look tired. Call if you need to talk. Still want to be there for you if you want me to. That’s what friends are for, right?

His whole body relaxed and his eyes actually burned, so great was his relief.

Tom’s hands shook as he typed his reply. I want you to. Thx. Will call later.



SUNDAY, MAY 28, 7:00 P.M.

Well, I kind of figured that out a long time ago,” Dana said. “Your feelings Copyright 2016 - 2024