Say Daddy A Mafia Billionaire Romance - Shanna Handel Page 0,28

that Theo went MIA as well.

What’s he doing sniffing after my girl?

He’s attractive, I’ll give him that. Tall and broad with tan skin and dark hair, he almost looks like one of our own Greek Brothers. He’s got an easy way about him.

Smiling, laughing.

Reaching out, he places one hand over hers.

Rockland, better lawyer up because I’m about to commit a serious crime—I’m going to kill this agent. Right here, right now.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Do your job, man, but stay in your lane.

Don’t come onto Daddy’s turf unless you want to die.

But now she’s slipping her hand from beneath his. A look of concern flashes over her face, as if she doesn’t want to hurt him.

He’s leaning in, giving her that devil’s smile. And there’s that hand again.

I’m going to break it.

One finger at a time.

All signs point to the fact that I should not intervene.

Tori is a free woman, able to date who she chooses.

Judging by the gestures I’m observing from her, she’s not interested in this guy.

So why is she here?

Has he already told her who he really is? A government agent who can promise her wealth and fame if she helps him bring down the Bachmans? Shaking my head, I know that can’t be true. Tori is loyal to the family.

More likely, he’s playing her. Like a pawn in our game.

I should walk away. Come to her later and tell her who this dick really is. But then it might be too late. Besides, she can do what she wants... but him?

He needs to leave my baby girl the hell alone.

Stepping out of the shadows, I approach the table. Positioning my back to Tori, I address Jet. “Hey, man. Good to see you.”

He looks up, a flash of surprise lines his face before he quickly composes himself. “Hey. Luke, right?”

Tori grabs my arm, hissing, “Luke, what the hell are you doing here?”

Ignoring her, I continue catching up with my friend, Jet. “You haven’t been to the bar in a while, you or your friend. There for a while you two were inseparable. Coming in almost every night. Did you have a falling out?”

His brow rises, feeling me out. “Something like that.”

Victoria has taken to tugging on my arm now, demanding my attention. “Luke—I said, what are you doing here?”

Finally, I look at her. Just seeing those aquamarine eyes of hers makes my chest tear in two. Have I completely misread the situation? Is this a real date and she’s here because she likes this man?

Doesn’t matter. He’s going. My words are cold. “I’m here to escort your friend from the premises. Family orders.”

She says, “You can’t do that. You don’t own this hotel.”

I say, “But Rockland does, and he wants this man gone.”

She asks, “Why? Jet is just as much a member of the Brotherhood as the rest of them.”

Jet is as much a part of the Brotherhood as Santa Claus.

So, that’s how he got her to go out with him? By pretending to be a Bachman? I won’t burst her bubble—it would only hurt her pride to find out that he’s working undercover, uninterested in her, just wanting to use her.

“Still, orders are orders.” I turn my gaze to Jet. He’s cool and collected, unfazed by the fact I’m about to out him as a liar.

Making me think he’s got another reason for being here—one I haven’t quite figured out yet.

Jet puts his hands up in the air in surrender. A cool smile stretches over his face. “Look. If Rockland doesn’t want me here, he’s the boss, I’d best do as he asks.”

Pushing his chair back, he stands, giving Tori a polite nod. “It was lovely getting to know you, Victoria.”

I interject, “And so lovely to see you again, Mr. Bachman.”

As he leaves, he’s speaking to her, but he holds my gaze, his dark eyes conveying a message. “You know, Victoria, you kind of look like a Tori. Would you mind if I called you that?”


The only possible way he would know I called her that is if he’d been in my apartment that night—or if his agency had been listening in.

My apartment is bugged. No doubt courtesy of him and his shitty agents.

“You son of a bitch.” Before I can stop myself, I’ve got his collar in my hands, pulling him toward me.

Tori flies up from her chair. “Luke, stop!”

To his credit, Jet doesn’t flinch. He just stands there, coolly staying eye to eye with me. In his gaze I see no Copyright 2016 - 2024