The Savior's Champion - Jenna Moreci Page 0,101

being a worthy opponent. So I forgive you.”

Tobias burst into laughter, but Flynn didn’t join in, his gaze cold and unblinking. Tobias’s laugh faded. “Wait… You’re serious?”

“Of course. We’re in love with the same Woman. Surely there will be some hostility between us from time to time.”

Tobias stood in numb confusion as Flynn slapped him on the back. “Glad we had this talk. I couldn’t handle the tension any longer. And you! Such a gentleman, receiving my forgiveness so graciously. This whole conversation could’ve been very uncomfortable otherwise.”

Flynn gave him another pat on the back before sauntering off, leaving Tobias alone by the pissing-wall.

What the fuck was that?

He didn’t return to his comrades; Delphi summoned him, and he situated himself on her bench, her oiled hands sliding down his back, while his mind wandered from Flynn to Leila.

“You seem dejected,” Delphi said. “Trouble in paradise?”

“That’s rich.”

She offered him a smile. “Chin up, love. Everything will rectify itself in time.”

“She’s upset with me, isn’t she?”

“It’s nothing a simple conversation can’t fix.”

“Well, I fear I’ll never get the opportunity,” he said. “She refused to speak with me yesterday.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way.”

“Perhaps you can say something to her?”

“I think she needs to hear it from you, love.”

He sighed. “Then I’m fucked. You know, I didn’t intend to win that challenge.”

“But alas, you won. And I’m sure you can understand why Leila might find this concerning.”

“Well, if she’d let me speak to her, she’d know full well she hasn’t any reason to be concerned.”

Delphi wiped her hands free of oil, and for a short while her gaze went distant. “Answer me this, love: are you at all fond of Cosima?”

Tobias hesitated. “No. I know how it sounds, but I feel nothing for Her. I never have.”

“And what of Leila?”

“You heard it all. At the challenge. You know I spoke of her. She had to have known it too. God, I felt naked up there. Completely exposed. Lot of good it did me...”

Delphi grabbed a pink vial and doused her hands, rubbing her palms together in silence.

“So, are we to see Cosima?” Tobias said. “No doubt you’re preparing us for another challenge.”

“I am.”

“Well then, what’s in store for us today? Another opportunity for public humiliation? Or are we headed for slaughter? It’s been a while since I’ve feared for my life. Three days, even. That has to be a record. I imagine we’re long overdue for a bloodbath, yes?” He shook his head. “I suppose you can’t answer that.”

“No one dies today.”

Tobias’s eyes darted toward Delphi. “Pardon?”

“Today’s challenge assesses a skill our Sovereign doesn’t particularly value. So no death. Not today.”

“Is that right?”

“Mhm. In fact, most of you will win by default. It appears this challenge boasts plenty of rewards.”

Tobias let out a snort. “Wonderful.”

“The top three performers will receive an entire day with Cosima. There will be food, wine—it’ll be lavish, I’m sure.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “The next four will enjoy the day with Her as well, though they won’t indulge in the feast. The poor things will go hungry. And the next four will only spend but the afternoon with Her Holiness. Then they’ll return to the sanctuary, their bellies empty.”

“That’s only eleven men.”

“Oh, right. I’ve forgotten one, haven’t I? Our twelfth competitor, the loser of this challenge.” She shrugged. “He will be punished.”

“Punished? How?”

“Solitude. Here in this very sanctuary while the others reap their rewards.”


“Well, I suppose I wouldn’t call it solitude, per se. If our loser were to injure himself in this challenge, Leila would most certainly have to pay him a visit. So, in a way, it would be just the two of them alone together. For quite some time.”

Tobias went quiet. Delphi played with his hair, utterly calm and casual, yet her words carried a very apparent implication.

“Dreadful punishment, isn’t it?” she said. “Whoever comes in dead last… I pity him, really. Let’s hope he doesn’t injure himself too badly, yes?”

Just as Tobias opened his mouth to speak, Delphi pinched his chin. “All done, love.”

Tobias stood slowly, heading across the sanctuary until Delphi’s voice rang out behind him.

“Tobias.” She smiled smugly. “Good luck.”

Tobias said nothing. Joining his allies, he took a seat within the circle—away from Flynn—and while the rest of them toyed with their cards, he mulled over Delphi’s words. One man would be sent off to the sanctuary with no one to keep him company. Except for Leila.

What’s there to think about? You need to throw the challenge. But the more Copyright 2016 - 2024