Saving Grapes - Madeline Kirby Page 0,33

over Thom’s. “Okay?”

Thom opened his eyes and managed a small smile. “Okay.”

“Good evening, gentlemen,” they were interrupted by the approach of the server. “My name is Amanda and I’ll be your server this evening. Would either of you care for a cocktail?”

Thom and Ben both declined. “Maybe just wine with the meal?” Thom asked Ben, who nodded.

“Have either of you dined with us before? No? We have a prix fixe menu. You’ll see we have two choices for each course – appetizer, salad, entrée, and dessert. Each week we feature a different Oregon winery, and the wines are paired with the food.”

“So, it’s like a tasting dinner every night?” Thom asked.

“Yes, you could say that,” Amanda replied. “Would you like a little more time to look over the menu?”

“Actually,” Ben said, “everything looks so good. What do you think of this, Thom – since there’s two choices, why don’t we just order one of everything and then we can taste it all?”

“That is a very popular option,” the server chimed in.

Thom took a quick glance at the menu, “Why not?”

“Excellent choice, gentlemen. I’ll be right back with some water for you.”

“Look at you,” Ben teased, “living dangerously.”

“I’d hardly call lamb chops and a Mexican chocolate tart living dangerously.”

Ben just smiled. The server returned with glasses of water, and Ben took a sip of his before turning back to Thom.

“You really do look great tonight.”

Thom rolled his eyes and took a sip of his own water.

“I mean it. You always look great to me, but it’s nice to see you out of those work clothes. Thank you for agreeing to this date.”

“You’re determined to make me blush, aren’t you?” Thom asked with a smile.

Ben laughed. “You’re not blushing. It’s the sunset,” he said, pointing. They both turned to the window. The sky was just starting to turn a warm gold color. A few fluffy clouds caught the light, and they watched while shades of orange and bright pink started to appear.

Their first course arrived, and their attention turned to the food and conversation. Ben refused to let Thom talk about work or construction, and asked him for stories about his travels with his grandfather and growing up on the vineyard. They were waiting for dessert and laughing over a story about Thom and his grandfather getting on a train headed for Paris and winding up in Berlin instead when Ben felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Evening, boys,” Ben looked up into his uncle’s laughing eyes. “How’s dinner?”

“Chuck… I…” Thom stammered.

“Thom! Good to see you out for a change.”

“Hey, Uncle Chuck,” Ben drawled. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, you know, even old married folks get to have a date night now and then. Your Aunt Lorraine’s been wanting to come here for a while now.”

“Uh huh. Oh, I think she’s trying to get your attention. You’d better go see what she wants.”

Chuck looked over his shoulder to where Lorraine was sitting at their table, absorbed in the menu. “Fine, I can take a hint. You boys enjoy your dinner.”

Thom and Ben watched as Chuck headed back across the restaurant, waving to a couple of people he knew as he passed.

“Donna must have told him I made a reservation and he couldn’t help snooping,” Ben said.

“I guess he’s figured out about us, then.”

“Yeah. Does that bother you?”

“You know I don’t want him to think I’ve betrayed his trust or taken advantage of our situation.”

“Does he look angry or upset?”

“No. No, he doesn’t. Huh.”

“Well, if he tried to fix you up with half his daughters, he must think you’re good enough for them. Why wouldn’t he think you’re good enough for me?”

“I guess I never thought about it that way.” Thom met Ben’s eyes with his clear blue gaze. And then he smiled, and to Ben it felt like the first time Thom had really, really smiled at him.

“If we didn’t have dessert on the way,” Ben said, “I would take you home right now.”

“I’d let you.”

“Don’t tempt me. But I’m afraid that if we skip dessert we’ll enrage the chef and never get to come back here.” Ben picked up his wineglass and held it out. “I propose a toast.”

“To what?” Thom asked, picking up his own glass.

“To the best first date ever.”


They drove home in silence, their hands linked on the seat between them. Ben ran this thumb over the back of Thom’s hand. Thom squeezed Ben’s hand, and Ben smiled, leaning back against the headrest and turning to look Copyright 2016 - 2024