Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,7

I care, baby, I just have to work shit out because of Vinn. He’ll skin me if he finds out we’re sneaking around.”

“Then stop sneaking. I’m not ashamed of you. I have no issues with telling him.”

Conner looks panic stricken. “Don’t do that. Let me feel him out.”

I sigh and open the car door. “Don’t bother. It isn’t going anywhere and I’m not gonna be with anyone who won’t even spend the night in my bed.”

I find the girls in the main room sitting on large bean-bags, apart from Leia who sits in an oversized comfy armchair. “I need a drink,” I moan.

“What’s wrong?” asks Leia.

“I just kind of dumped the hot mess I was hooking up with.”

“Is this the same guy you irresponsibly had unprotected sex with and thought you were pregnant by?” asks Leia.

“Don’t judge me,” I scoff, pointing to her rounded stomach. “Miss pregnant after my first time.”

“Rude,” she scowls.

“You never really talk about him, so we all assumed it wasn’t serious,” says Anna.

“It isn’t. It wasn’t. I dunno, I guess everyone around me is settling down and I felt a bit left out. But he’s totally wrong for me and I know without a doubt he sees other girls. He is so far up Vinn’s ass, trying to make something of himself, that I think he thought I’d be his way in. When he realised that Vinn will only let me marry a made man, well, it just became a hook-up for sex.”

“Nice,” mutters a gravelly voice. I turn back and see Blu on the near-by couch, watching football on the large screen television. I glance at the girls, unsure if he heard me or was talking to himself about football. “Oh, I heard yah,” he adds, confirming my suspicions. I wince. The last thing I need is Vinn knowing all this.

“Like you’ve never used a woman before,” I say.

“No. I don’t need any man’s approval and I don’t need to sleep my way into someone's family to get respect,” he says coldly.

“You’re so amazing,” I mutter sarcastically. “Why isn’t your ol’ lady here with us if there’s a mad man on the loose?” I ask.

Blu finally looks over to me. “I don’t have an ol’ lady.”

“Then if you’re so amazing, why aren’t you and your kid’s mum together?”

A look passes over Blu’s face which tells me he isn’t happy. “That ain’t none of your goddamn business, princess. Stick to pleasing your brother, fucking his prodigy, and running your office of fake dreams. The rest of us live in the real world where we don’t rely on our family name to get us through life.”

My eyes widen. “Scuze me? What are we, ten?” He stares at the television. “Who the fuck do you think you are? I’ve always been polite to you and you’re so fucking rude!” Anger radiates from me, but he continues to stare at the television. I move to stand in front of him, blocking his view of the screen. “I’m talking to you,” I yell. He suddenly reaches out and grabs my wrist, standing in one fluid motion. I yelp in surprise. The look on his face is odd, like he can’t see me. Blade rushes over, but when he spots the vacant look too, he pauses.

“Hey, brother,” says Blade calmly. “You’re okay. We’re at the clubhouse and you’re okay.”

Blu takes a sudden loud, deep breath and then his eyes focus on me. He frowns like he’s surprised I’m there, and then when he sees his hand gripping my wrist, he suddenly drops it like I’ve burnt him. His head whips to face Blade, who holds his hands out in a defensive stance. “You’re okay, brother,” he repeats. “Shall we go somewhere quiet?” Blu nods. “Let’s go,” says Blade, turning slowly and leading the way from the room.

I turn to the girls, who were all watching silently. “What the hell just happened?” I ask.

“It looked like he went somewhere else in his head,” says Leia. “He’s ex-Forces, so it’s common to have flashbacks.”

“Like PTSD?” asks Anna, and Leia nods in response.

“He scared the shit outta me,” I say, rubbing my wrist.

I get one of the spare rooms on the top floor. I like these rooms the best because they have balconies that look over the city. It’s not a great view, all houses and high-rise buildings, but London is my favourite city and I like the busy chaos it brings. Sitting out at night and listening to the streets is something I Copyright 2016 - 2024