Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,68

I try to offer again but she scowls deeper.

“Forget it. You need to work on your kindness skills, as well as your shit fucking proposal because newflash, Blu, you don’t order someone to marry you in a weeks time while your balls deep inside them. It’s enough to turn anyone off - apart from yourself, obviously!” She storms out, slamming the door behind her.

I flop back on the bed, groaning. “Shit.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


When I woke up next to Blu, I realised I am happy. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t officially asked me because he makes me happy and being petty over a question is ridiculous. But then he woke up and ruined it with his arrogance.

Vinn’s driver stops outside and I get in the car. I must look a sight in Blu’s sweater with nothing on my feet.

I get home and I shower and dress for lunch. Mum’s coming straight from the airport and Vinn’s meeting her, so I head to the restaurant alone. It’ll be weird being there without Dad, but I try not to think about it as I’m greeted by the manager my mum hired. He smiles wide. “Gianna,” he greets, kissing me on each cheek. He’d worked at Dad’s other restaurant for years, but Mum asked him to take over here for a while until she decides what she wants to do. “Vinn and your mother are already here,” he adds, showing me to our table.

My mum hugs me extra hard. “Thank god you’re okay,” she whispers.

“And you,” I say, kissing her cheek. “How was Spain?”

“Nice and peaceful. Too peaceful. Aunt Ella sends her love.” My mum’s sister lives out there permanently.

“Where’s Blu?” asks Vinn.

“I didn’t invite him,” I snap. “I wanted a break from the plans you made behind my back.”

Vinn scowls. “Are you kidding me?” he snaps. “You realise what he did for you?” When I don’t answer, he leans closer. “He took back his family name. That means he’s back in the mafia, Gia.”

“He hates the mafia,” I mutter, realising how huge this is.

“He saved us. They were coming to kill me and because of him, we’re both still here and you’re not married to that asshole!”

“You hate him,” I say.

“I’m the brother-in-law. I’m supposed to act like I hate him,” snaps Vinn.

“Seems you have some making up to do,” says Mum.

I nod. She’s right. I was so worried about him popping the question that I lost sight of what he actually did.

“How’s Leia?” asks Vinn and I smirk at his obvious love for the woman he can never have.

“She’s doing great.” I pull out my phone to show Vinn and Mum the photo of baby Grace. Another girl for the club. Riggs had joked that at this rate he’ll end up having to turn the club over to female bikers.


“You sure about this?” asks Blade. I nod as Hannah ties my tie. “We can find another way.”

“Fuck off, Blade. I’m marrying her. She wants a fuss, so I’m gonna give her a fuss.”

Hannah sniggers and it’s good to see. “I don’t think she had this in mind,” she says.

I look at the various people around me. “Nah, she’ll love it.”

I stand at the back of the restaurant. I can see Gia with her mum and brother. I nod to the violinist and he enters the restaurant through the front door playing a romantic tune. I let him choose the song cos I don’t know what the fuck women like these days. People turn to watch as he makes his way towards Gia. Next, Blade sends in the florist with fifty red roses. A little over the top, but she wanted a grand gesture so . . .

The woman stands next to the violinist. Gia’s face reddens when she sees they’re stopping by her. She looks at her mum, who shrugs. Next, Blade sends in a man holding a bunch of pink heart balloons with one red amongst them. As he approaches the table, so do I. Gia’s eyes bug out of her head. “Blu?” she whispers and I smile.

“You forgot to invite me, so I thought I’d turn up unannounced.”

“What’s going on?” she asks, glancing at the people surrounding her.

“A little birdy told me you were pissed cos I forgot something important,” I say. Eva had to spell it out for me. I drop down on one knee. “I forgot to give you a choice.” Her hands go to her shocked mouth. “I love you. Please, Gianna, will you marry me?”

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