Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,62

they’re already dead.

As Ric turns to see what the commotion is, a knife whizzes past my ear and hits the guard to his left, the one holding the gun to the vicar’s head. He drops to the ground with the knife in his eye. “Christ, watch my ear,” I shout back.

“I know what I’m doing,” Blade argues as another passes me, hitting the second guy.

Ric drops to his knees beside to the first guy and rummages in his jacket for his gun. As I get closer, I see Gia isn’t in a good way. It only angers me more. I pull the trigger, hitting Ricardo in the thigh. He cries out. “What the fuck did you do to her?” I demand. Her eyes are on me, but her expression shows nothing.

“Are you going to allow this disappointment to interrupt the wedding?” yells Ric to the other families who look on as if nothing is happening. One by one, they begin to stand, straightening their suits and heading for the door. My dad remains seated, watching my every move. I put another bullet in Ric’s other thigh and he wails. Vinn joins me, looking down at Ric with pure hatred.

“Your blood splatter is on my sister's dress,” Vinn observes.

“Not the only thing she’s had of mine,” he spits. “I hope I’ve sown enough seed to produce a son.”

Rage races through me, but Vinn is the one who pulls him up and drags him towards the cross at the front of the church. He turns to the vicar. “Leave. You saw none of this. A healthy contribution to your work is already being wired.” The vicar nods once and leaves. Ricardo is forced to sit before the altar. “Make your peace,” says Vinn.

“You think any of us are going to him?” spits Ric. “I’ll see you all in Hell.”

Vinn laughs. “Didn’t you know, we’re already here in Hell. But your mistake was crossing the devil. If there is a place where we’re all to meet one day, you can be sure you’re headed there many years before me. My dad will be waiting there for you.” He pulls the trigger. The bullet enters the base of Ric’s skull and rips out through his forehead. He slumps to the floor, face down before the Lord's cross.

Vinn lights a candle and utters some words before turning to face me. “Get her out of here.”

I scoop Gia up in my arms. Her head falls against my chest. My father pats me on the shoulder as I leave. It’s time for him and Vinn to talk.

Back at the clubhouse, I lay Gia on my bed. The girls tried to follow us in here to help, but I sent them away with orders to get me the doc, he’s the only one we need in here right now. Her fingers keep twitching, but she’s still not speaking or able to move a muscle. I pull out a knife and grip the dress between her breasts. I cut the material down the centre, pulling it from her body. I will never see her in this fuckin cheap silk again.

Beneath the dress is white lace underwear. I stare down at her for a few seconds, pushing images of Ric and her away. I can’t deal with that right now. Her tanned, slender body is littered with fresh bruises. I gently run a finger over each one. I use the knife to remove the underwear, throwing it across the room angrily.

I go to the bathroom and return with a bowl of warm water and a fresh wash cloth. I wet the cloth and gently run it over her face, removing traces of the makeup which she couldn’t have applied. It’s not how she wears it. I wash every inch of her body, making sure I leave no trace of him apart from the damn bruises.

I go to my wardrobe and pull out one of my sweaters and some boxer shorts. They’ll bury her, but I like seeing her in my stuff. Once she’s dressed, I climb beside her and push my face into her neck, breathing her in and letting relief wash over me that she’s safe.

Gia’s been sleeping for hours. I’ve watched her every breath, every twitch, but Riggs has text me to say Vinn is here to talk.

I find them in the office. “Is she okay?” asks Vinn.

I nod. “Tired. She hasn’t moved or spoken. The doc thinks she was injected with a muscle relaxant. It’ll take time Copyright 2016 - 2024