Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,53

hear it splashing on the floor. I try to remove his hands from my neck, gasping for breath as my feet slide on the shiny marble floor. He stares at my naked body. I spot another man appearing behind the butler. For a second, I think he’s going to help, but he grins too as he pours liquid onto a cloth. “Where’s lover boy?” he asks the butler.

“Bedroom,” he replies. He releases my neck and I gasp just as he presses his hand over my mouth.

“Hold her still and keep her quiet,” says the man, pulling out a gun. He disappears into the bedroom and a few minutes later he returns with Blu walking in front of him, his hands behind his head. More men dressed as butlers are now in the room, all of them with guns pointed at us.

Blu makes eye contact but shows no emotion. One of the men wrap a sheet around my naked body. I grip it tight. “We’re taking the elevator straight down to the carpark, where a car is waiting. Any funny business and I’ll kill her,” warns the man pointing a gun to Blu’s head.

The man hands the liquid-soaked cloth to another and he presses it to my face. I try to kick out, but I feel my eyes grow heavy. The last thing I see is the pained look on Blu’s face as I flop into the man’s arms.


Five men, all armed and itching for a fight. I can tell in the way they stand, poised ready to attack if I make one move. Gia is carelessly thrown over the shoulder of one before I’m marched to the elevator, the gun pressed firmly to my head. “You know who she is, right?” I ask as I’m shoved inside the cart.

“Of course, I fuckin’ do. You think we’re amateurs?” growls the one behind me.

“You after her or me?” I ask as the cart descends to the carpark.

“Shut the hell up. I didn’t say you could fuckin’ talk,” growls the guy in front.

There’s a van waiting with the side door open and the engine running. They place Gia in the back. One of the guys reaches further in and pulls a person forward so I can see. It’s Alice. I try not to react. It’s what they want. The man I assume is in charge turns to me with a grin. “Umm, what do you do when you have a cop, a mafia princess, and a biker?” He follows the other guys, climbing into the back of the van with his gun still pointed at me.

“You go into hiding because you realise you fucked up?” I say with a shrug.

He laughs and it echoes around the car park. “Wrong,” he says in a sing-song voice. “You cut one loose so he can run back and squeal to his Pres about the new big bad bikers in town.” A shot rings out and the van screeches off.

It happens too fast. My head fogs and I’m back in that place again with the fuckin’ dust. This time, I see a little girl skipping. She’s kicking up the dust and I feel it hit my face. She can’t see me lying here in the dirt as she plays by herself. She’s singing. I strain to pick out the words as she skips in circles. I’ve heard the song before.

May your dreams bring you peace in the darkness

May you always rise over the rain

May the light from above always lead you to love

May you stay in the arms of the angels

May you always be brave in the shadows

Till the sun shines upon you again

Hear this prayer in my heart

And we’ll never be apart

May you stay in the arms of the angels

It’s “Lullaby For A Soldier”. One of the soldiers sang it in camp at night by the fire.

She stops and the dust settles. The sun is shining so bright that it isn’t until she’s standing over me, looking down, that I see her. Molly.

“Molls?” I whisper, reaching my hand to her. She steps back, staring at my fingers. There’s blood coating them.

“Get up, Daddy,” she whispers. “Get up.” She suddenly looks terrified. “Daddy, please,” she begs and tears start to fall down her rosy cheeks.

“I love you,” I say, forcing a smile. I blink and when I open my eyes again, she’s gone. I cry out. I know what they do here to children, so I shout her name over and over. Someone has to hear me.

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