Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,4

lady brings over a bacon and tomato sandwich. She sets it down in front of me and then rests her hand on Blu’s shoulder. “Isn’t Monday date night?” she asks and Blu nods. “Don’t be late. You know how sassy Molly can be.”

Blu laughs. “I’ll be on time. I never miss it.”

“I know you don’t. You’re a good boy.” She kisses the top of his head and shuffles back to her seat behind the counter.


As if Gia can sense my tight schedule, she eats her sandwich in record time. I leave some cash on the table and shout goodbye to Nan as we leave. Joyce is Hannah’s grandmother, but since I met Hannah, she’s always insisted I call her ‘Nan’ too, and she’s always treated me like I’m her own blood.

I stop my bike outside the large, black iron gates of Gia’s family home. The Romanos aren’t short of money and this place let’s everyone know it. From the high gates to the ten-foot-high, white stone wall surrounding it, the Romano estate screams power and money.

“You’re more than welcome to come inside for coffee or something,” says Gia, handing me back my spare helmet. “But I know you have a date, so . . .” she lets the sentence trail off.

“What is it with women and coffee?” I mutter, more to myself than her.

“I was being polite,” she says quietly.

A man stands at the gate watching us and Gia senses him there. She turns and her cheeks pink slightly. “Who’s that?” I ask.

“Conner,” she says, biting on her lower lip and leaving me in no doubt that she’s fucking this guy. “He’s one of Vinn’s men. He deals with security.”

“Does Vinn know you’re fucking him?” I ask bluntly and she blushes deeper.

“Don’t let me keep you from your date, Blu,” she says, turning and heading to the gate. “Thanks for the sandwich.”

“Tomorrow, make sure you eat,” I say.

Conner keeps his eyes on mine as Gia goes to him. I smirk at his boldness to think for one second that he can intimidate me. Ass.

Molly is waiting at the front door when I arrive. She’s wearing a pretty dress and holding a tiny clutch bag. “Well, don’t you look pretty,” I say with a smile. She turns slowly so I can appreciate her dress. “Perfection,” I add.

Hannah appears. “Have fun.” She hands me a coat for Molly. “She doesn’t want to wear it because it doesn’t go with the dress,” she says, arching her brow.

“We’re walking, baby girl, so you need to put your coat on,” I say firmly, holding it open for her to slip her arms in.

“Have you thought about what we discussed yesterday?” Hannah asks. I pull the zip up and take Molly by the hand.

“I’ll have her back before bedtime,” I say, not bothering to answer her. I’ve thought of nothing else. Hannah wants me to be the father of her next baby, which makes sense with me being Molly’s dad, but it just doesn’t sit right with me and I don’t want to talk about it right now when I should be on a date night with my daughter.

We walk for five minutes. Hannah lives close by a strip of bars and restaurants, which is handy when I’m not in the mood to drive too far. I push open the door to a French restaurant and we’re seated at a table for two. Molly is a cheap date, preferring to order soup for her main meal or something small. She’s tiny for her age, so it doesn’t take much to fill her. I order two bowls of onion soup.

“How was your first day at your new school?” I ask.

She scowls. “He was there,” she mutters angrily.

I rub my thumb over the lines on her forehead and smile. “You keep frowning like that and you’ll have lines like Nan.” Molly giggles. “That’s better. So who is ‘he’?”

She rolls her eyes like she ain’t got time for my dumb questions. “The boy from the park,” she says with a sigh. “The mean boy.”

“Oh, how did that go?”

“He ignored me,” she says, her tone outraged.

“Well, maybe he’s a little scared after you pushed him?” I suggest. “I think your mummy would say you should stay away from him.”

“I don’t like him ignoring me. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You pushed him. That was wrong.”

“He wouldn’t let me play, that’s wrong,” she counters.

I laugh and ruffle her hair, which only annoys her and she rushes to straighten it. “You always have Copyright 2016 - 2024