Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,15

back to his room, slamming his door closed.

“What do we really know about Blu?” I ask Eva.

“You mean apart from he’s gorgeous, moody, hot, fuckable, and oh, did I mention he’s hot?”

“I’m talking about real information. Who his family is, does he have an ol’ lady, is he crazy?”

“Why do you want to know all of that?” asks Eva. “You really do have the hots for him, don’t you?” she asks, grinning.

I lean back in my chair and watch Blu pacing outside my office. Since our weird exchange last night, he’s hardly spoken two words to me. He’s talking into his phone like he’s mad about something. “I just wondered what his story was. I don’t like him like that. He’s rude and he hates me, or at least, he hates what I am.”

“And what’s that?” asks Eva.

“A mafia princess,” I mutter. He returns, scowling, and drops down into the chair opposite Eva’s desk.

“I’ll go and get us some lunch,” says Eva. “I have some errands to run.”

I’m busy typing out an invoice when I spot Blu’s fists clench, gripping the arms of the chair so tight that his fingers turn white. I watch him warily. His eyes are fixed on a spot across the room and his breathing is getting faster. “Blu,” I say. He doesn’t respond. This is the third episode I’ve witnessed and I make a mental note to mention it to Riggs. I turn on the radio so there’s some background noise. “I hate the quiet,” I say out loud, hoping my chatter will bring him around. “Whenever Eva grabs lunch, I put the radio on.” I stand and open the filing cabinet. “I’m so used to her talking that it’s weird when she goes out. I don’t know what I did before she came to work here.” I laugh to myself and turn to face him only to find him right behind me. His eyes are hungry and they stare at my lips.

“I’m not having a flashback,” he growls.


He shakes his head. “I just called Riggs and asked him to find someone else to watch Eva.”


“Because I can’t focus. I’ve let her leave this office alone. I’m not on the job.”

“She’ll be fine,” I say weakly.

“I’m too distracted,” he adds. “You distract me.”

“I don’t mea—” I begin, but then his hands go into my hair and his mouth presses against mine. It’s a hot, hungry kiss and as he devours my mouth, his hands tug gently at the roots of my hair. He walks me backwards, feeling around for the backroom door. Once inside, he lifts me off the ground and I wrap my legs around him. I can feel his erection pressing against me like a rod of steel. We pull apart for air. My lips feel swollen and bruised, but I can’t wait for his lips to crash against mine again because it’s so much hotter than I ever imagined it to be.

“I’ve gotta stay the fuck away from you,” he mutters, his eyes burning into my own. “I’ll ruin you.”

“I don’t ruin easily,” I whisper. The sound of our rapid pants fill the silence of the room. We continue to stare at each other. I can see in his eyes that he’s warring with himself, but I daren’t let this chance pass by, so I press my lips against his again in a rushed attempt to make him see that it’s what I want . . . what I need.

“Gia.” I freeze at the sound of Vinn’s voice.

“Shit,” I hiss, dropping my feet to the floor. I straighten my hair and then my skirt before wiping a hand over my lips. “You need to hide,” I add, alarmed that Blu looks slightly amused rather than scared.

“Princess, I don’t fuckin hide from anyone,” he mutters, pulling the door open and stepping into the office. Vinn watches him pass, heading straight for the exit to go and find Eva, I presume.

“What the fuck was that?” asks Vinn, glaring at me.

“Nothing. He was putting some boxes back for me,” I point back into the room, “on a high shelf.” Vinn’s eyes linger on me a little too long and I begin to shuffle papers on my desk as a distraction. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Stay away from the bikers, Gia. We’ve got a good thing going with them and you can’t be the reason that it stops,” he says seriously.

“Stop being ridiculous. Are you here for a reason?”

“Just passing,” he mutters. “Thought I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024