Saved by the Rancher - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,120

Francisco.” She pulled the collar of her jacket back to reveal even more of the bruises around her neck.

“I’m guessing that’s not all he’s done to you, not to mention the psychological damage he’s inflicted.” Cameron fisted his hands until his knuckles shone white. Jenna relaxed, confident he didn’t believe in hurting women.

“You’re right on both counts. This last attack included a concussion, stab wounds, and other bruises.” She pointed to her throat. “He won’t stop, so I’m here to make him stop, once and for all. He is going to pay for what he’s done. I’m going to take away his life, like he took away mine.”

“That explains the muscle you brought with you. Several large men blocked the entrance to this plane. One gave me a very thorough pat down.”

“It’s extremely dangerous for me to be here. If David manages to get to me again, I have no doubt he’ll kill me this time. He is mentally unbalanced, completely out of his mind when it comes to me.”

“So what are you going to do? Why are you here now?”

“This afternoon, this paper is coming out.”

Cameron scanned the photos of her over the years and all the attacks. His stomach soured just looking at them, knowing she sat before him in the same shape as some of the pictures. Overwhelmed with sympathy, he read the article. How could she have survived all these years and still be sitting in front of him the confident woman he saw? He admired her for her business sense over the years, but now he respected her for the strength and perseverance she’d used to survive. He couldn’t help but think of his small daughter, Emma.

“You’re going to ruin David in the press? What does that have to do with me?”

“This is just the icing on the cake. The main course I’m serving at the board meeting.”

“And just what will you be serving?”

“Pink slips.”

Leaning forward, her arms on the table, she went on. “In a nutshell, I took the money I got in the divorce and invested it in what a lot of people would have considered risky companies. Seems I have a knack for picking companies that explode with growth, and I’ve made millions in returns. I took those millions and bought shares in Merrick International. Under the various names of those companies, of course.”

He sat still and continued to listen. He believed he was getting the picture of what she’d done.

“I now hold controlling interest in Merrick International.”

He knew it. “I see.”

Smiling, she said, “That’s it? You must be a very good poker player. You don’t give anything away.”

“It’s wise to listen and know all the facts before speaking and inserting your foot in your mouth. So you’re taking over the entire company and squeezing David out. Charles has, essentially, increasingly let him run things and plans to retire at the end of the year. We both know David’s parents don’t really make any business decisions, so they’ll only object to your taking over because you aren’t a Merrick anymore.”

“Exactly. At today’s meeting, I’ll reveal I’ve gained controlling interest and assume control.”

“That’s great as far as I’m concerned. You seem to have made quite a lot of money over the last several years. I won’t mind making more with you running things. You and I usually vote the same way on most deals and acquisitions, so I imagine we’ll have no problem working together. Is that why you wanted to have this meeting? So we could solidify a working relationship?”

“No. Now, what kind of offer would that be? I told you, I had an offer you couldn’t refuse.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I like that about you. You get the same kind of thrill I get when a deal goes particularly well. So let’s see your cards. Lay it on me. What’s the deal?”

“I want to make you president of Merrick International. I’ll maintain the CEO position that comes with controlling interest, but you’ll run Merrick.”

He closed his open mouth and took a second to absorb the surprise. “Are you kidding? You’ve done all this and you don’t even want to run the company. You obviously have the ability to do it. Why wouldn’t you?”

“I only did this to make David pay. Revenge isn’t very pretty, but it is sweet.”

She smiled. It was hard not to. With Cameron sitting in front of her impressed with her accomplishment, it was hard not to feel her success. “David took away everything from me. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024