Saved By The Greek Doctor (Greek Gods #3) - Holly Rayner Page 0,60

in front of the most gorgeous sailboat I’d ever seen. All done in whites and reds and blues, and sparklingly new.

“I know you’ve always wanted your own,” Nikos whispered against my neck, his arms coming around my waist. “And now that you live so close to the water, it would be a waste not to be able to go out whenever you wanted. But I’m only going to let you have it if you promise never to sail it with your eyes closed.”

I stared up at the stunning boat, unable to answer for a long moment. Then I realized what he’d said, and found my voice.

“Why are you worried about me sailing it with my eyes closed?” I asked, spinning around in his arms and grinning up at him. “I thought you were always going to be there to catch me. Particularly if I fell off a sailboat and into the water.”

He ducked down and kissed me, long and warm and gentle, and when he stood straight again, his eyes were full of laughter. “I will always catch you when you need me to. But I still recommend sailing with your eyes open. Your boats will last longer that way. And I’ll worry less.”

I laughed, delighted, too excited about the boat and what it meant to argue with him any further. I had always wanted a boat of my own, but I’d never thought it was possible. Just one more dream, I thought, coming true here in Greece. Here in Greece with my hot Greek doctor.

My hot Greek doctor who suddenly dropped to his knees in front of me and held up the most gorgeous diamond solitaire ring I’d ever seen.

“It will be easier for me to always catch you if you promise to be mine forever,” he said quietly, looking up at me with those stunning aquamarine eyes shining with love and hope. “Say you’ll marry me, Trish, and I promise to always be standing behind you. I promise to always, always be here to keep you safe and make sure you have a safe place to land. And I will always, always have olives. And wine.”

I reached down and pulled him up.

“And you already know the answer to that question,” I told him, my voice just as quiet. “You already know that I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have crashed on your island and won your heart. I would never want to be anywhere else but with you.” Then I gave him a grin and cocked my head a bit. “And as long as we’re giving out surprises…”

His face turned from dreamy to confused. “You have a surprise for me, too?”

I could see him trying to figure out how I might have known that he was going to surprise me, and what I could possibly have that would top his gift to me.

Little did he know that I hadn’t planned this, and hadn’t had to coordinate it.

I nodded, happy tears forming in my eyes. “I just found out the other day, and I’ve been saving it for a special occasion. We’re going to have a baby, Nikos!”

I don’t remember how he grabbed me, or when, but before I knew it I was in his arms, spinning around, my face turned up to the bright warmth of the Greek sun, as I laughed with absolute joy at being alive and with the love of my life.

The End

I hope you’ve enjoyed Trish and Nikos’ story! Keep reading for the first chapter of the previous book in this series, The Greek’s Fated Twins

Happy reading!

Love, Holly x

The Greek’s Fated Twins

Chapter 1


“You won again!” Cassie clapped her hands together and bounced up and down, the tassels on her cocktail dress shaking.

From his position at the blackjack table, Ammon Hassan shrugged like it was no big deal. The pink coloring his cheeks said he was pleased, though—probably both with his earnings and Cassie’s reaction.

Not that a bit of cash won on a cruise ship meant much to the Egyptian billionaire, anyway. No, it was the attention that came along with the win.

And attention, Cassie was eager to give. It was what she dealt in, after all.

Taking Ammon’s arm, she guided the older, chubby man toward the open deck. A few women cast jealous glances her way, while others shook their heads or turned up their noses. One man gawked at Cassie’s backside, and his wife slapped him on the shoulder.

Typical, shallow, short-sighted reactions. She was used to it all. Years of playing Copyright 2016 - 2024