Saved By The Greek Doctor (Greek Gods #3) - Holly Rayner Page 0,46

know I was keeping my brain busy with everything but thoughts of Nikos. I know it was cowardly—and I knew it then, too.

That didn’t stop me from doing it.

When I got to the door of my room, however, all thoughts of Nikos fled from my head—along with the need to keep myself from thinking about them. Because my door was unlocked.

Unlocked, and standing slightly ajar.

I stared at it, frozen in place like a rabbit who has just smelled a fox, my mind flying. Was it possible that housecleaning was in there? It seemed early for them. Besides, there was no cart to be seen.

I turned and looked to the right, and then to the left, just to be sure. But no cart was in evidence in this hallway.

And there was really no other reason for my door to be open. They hadn’t rented the room to anyone else, or the girl downstairs wouldn’t have given me a key.

I cleared my throat, testing out my voice just in case I had to scream, and then kicked the door to open it.

And there inside my room was my ex, Bryan, actually sitting on my freaking bed and looking at me like I was supposed to be happy to see him.

“What are you doing here?” I snarled.

And I mean I actually snarled. This was the guy who had stolen years of my life, then slept with his freaking secretary, and then lied to the entire office about me when I had the nerve to catch him in bed with her. I’d come to Greece to get away from him! The last thing I wanted to see in my bedroom was him sitting on my bed, all smug and gloating, acting like he was meant to be there.

He stood up quickly and came toward me, arms held out like he was actually going to try to hug me. “Now, Trish, don’t be mad. I know we ended on bad terms but—”

“Bad terms?” I asked, still snarling. “Bad terms? I caught you in bed with your secretary, called you out on it, and you proceeded to spread rumors about me in the office where I got you your job! Are you actually kidding me right now? I’ve known you a long time, Bryan, and I’ve never known you to be stupid.”

A cloud of anger crossed his face—much like the one that had colored his expression when I’d found him in bed with his secretary—but he put it away and kept coming toward me. “Now look, honey, I know that we both said some stuff we didn’t mean but I—”

I put a hand on his chest to stop him, and then shoved him back with all my might. I was a whole lot shorter than him, so it wasn’t as forceful as I would have wanted it to be. But he did take three hasty steps backward, and I counted that as a win. I didn’t want him anywhere near me.

“I meant every single word I said, Bryan,” I told him coldly. “I was done with you then, and I haven’t changed my mind about it. In case you hadn’t noticed, I put half the entire globe between you and me, just to solidify that point.”

His face changed again, then, and I saw him go from confident to wheedling. “But Trish, I love you. We’ve spent years together, and I thought we were going to get married. I deserve another chance. You know you’d be lucky to end up with me. We’re perfect for each other!”

Right, that was quite enough of that. He obviously still thought I had a soft spot for him. Well, he was wrong.

I marched right up to him and got up on my toes, which put me closer to his face.

“Wrong,” I replied, my voice dripping icicles. “I thought we were getting married, too, but then I caught you in bed with someone else. You don’t deserve another chance. We’re not perfect for each other. And I’ll be caught dead before I’m caught with you again. Now get out of my room, before I have to call security and have them drag you out. As much as I would actually enjoy that.”

And at that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Chapter 23


I rushed toward the door, heart racing at both Bryan’s presence and the need for someone to interrupt our conversation so that I could figure out how to handle it. How to get him out of my room—and back out of my Copyright 2016 - 2024