Saved By The Greek Doctor (Greek Gods #3) - Holly Rayner Page 0,4

me she had no serious external wounds that I would need to look at right away. Thank God for that. I just needed to get her to shore.

I turned around and looked back toward the island, my mind racing through the next steps. I wasn’t that tired from the swim, but getting back there with the dead weight of someone who was unconscious would be harder than getting back there by myself. Even when she was approximately the size of a very well-endowed pixie.

And my God, where did I even come up with a thought like that?

“No time like the present, Nikos,” I told myself, my legs churning under the surface of the water.

The sooner I got started, the better. The woman might still be breathing, but she could easily go into shock.

I looked down at her and pressed my lips together. “I don’t know who you are, but this is one heck of a first impression,” I said. “Now, I’m going to turn on my back and pull you against my body. If you wake up in that position… well, I’m sorry in advance for the way this looks.”

I didn’t think she could hear me, but I’d been a surgeon for a long time, and I’d never gotten over the habit of talking to my patients before we went into surgery. Even if they were already out cold.

I just hoped this woman came back to consciousness as gracefully as most of those patients did.

I turned on my back, managed to maneuver underneath her, wrapped my arms around her chest—trying very, very hard not to think about the intimate position this put us into—and started swimming for the island.

Chapter 4


When the world came back into focus, I could see a house around me.

A house that I definitely hadn’t been in before I lost consciousness. And one that I definitely didn’t recognize.

And when you wake up in a house that you don’t recognize, it’s… well, nerve-racking would be putting it mildly. In fact, I was doing my level best to keep from jumping up and running around screaming as I looked for the nearest possible exit.

Instead, I stayed extremely still and let my eyes rove carefully across the space. It was afternoon, judging by the richness of the light slanting through the window, which meant some serious time had passed since this morning, when I’d been dreaming and sailing and experimenting with how long I could keep my eyes closed while controlling a boat. And the house I was in was…

Sumptuous. It was the only word I could think of that fit. The place was done in all chocolate and buff browns, beautiful and rich. The couch I was on was—I shifted a bit to make sure—yep, leather, and dark, rich leather at that, and the blanket lying over me was a soft cream. There were plenty of furnishings, done with such taste that it didn’t look cluttered, and everything was dark, heavy wood and brown of one sort or another, a warm contrast to the bright light that spilled through the windows.

In short, it was freaking gorgeous. Totally unlike my slapdash apartment back home, which was a mismatched collection of everything I liked, every single piece having come from some secondhand store.

This place… this place looked like money.

Where on earth was I? Because no one I knew had enough money to decorate their house in this manner.

I shifted a bit, and at that moment I realized that I had an IV in my arm. And that’s when I started to really freak out.

Yeah, I know, waking up in a house that wasn’t mine—after having evidently fainted out on the water—probably should have freaked me out to start with. Like… really, I should have followed my instincts to get up and run screaming rather than just casually looking around, admiring the furnishings. Most other people probably would have.

Anyone with a brain, at any rate.

But up to that point, I’d been going with the ‘whoever owns this house must also be the person that saved me’ idea. And that allows you a lot of leeway, it turns out, when it comes to freaking out about waking up in some stranger’s house. I mean, why would they have bothered to save you from drowning if they were just going to kill you anyway?

But knowing that said stranger had actually stuck a needle right into your vein and now had something dripping into it? Yep, that right there is the part where the leeway Copyright 2016 - 2024