Saved by the Crush's Brother - Maggie Dallen Page 0,37

three of us taking care of Buttercup at their house with his dad peeking in to make sure no fights broke out.

I was happy to report that we made it through unscathed. No one got murdered.

They were both on their best behavior that night. And while I wasn’t naive enough to think that everything between the Luven brothers was all hunky-dory just because we’d passed one night in relative peace, I was optimistic enough to believe that it was an excellent start to a new phase of their relationship.

They were starting over, and me and Cristian…?

I smiled up at him and he leaned down to give me a light kiss.

We were starting something great. Epic, even. Maybe I was a romantic, but that didn’t change the fact that this new relationship we were starting up was better than my favorite fairytale dreams.

“Okay, lovebirds, break it up.” Max’s sarcastic voice behind me had my grin widening even more and I watched with pride as my best friend and my boyfriend greeted each other with honest affection. They’d only hung out once—and yeah, a crying baby had been involved—but they’d hit if off right away.

“There’s Alex,” I said, nudging Cristian’s arm.

We all looked over to see my former crush sauntering in by himself like he owned the place.

“He came solo?” Max asked, surprise clear in her voice. “I would have thought he’d have some girl at his beck and call for a last-minute date or a group of bros to hang out with. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Alex Luven without an entourage.”

I gave her a chastening look. She might have been relieved that I was over my infatuation but she still had it out for my old flame. “Be nice,” I said. “I think he’s trying to turn a new leaf.”

Cristian wrapped an arm around my waist and squeezed. We’d talked about this in private and we both agreed that something had shifted with Alex during Cristian’s latest visit home. Maybe it was that fight they’d had on the lawn, or the fact that Cristian was making an effort, or that they were both getting along better with their dad…

Whatever it was, I was rooting for Alex. I’d always known he was a good guy...he just hadn’t figured that out himself yet.

My gaze snagged on a couple who walked in behind Alex. “Wait, is that—”

“Hazel?” Max filled in with a grin. “It is.”

“But is she with—”


“But I thought she liked—”

“Long story,” Max said.

I blinked as I took in the sight of our tomboy friend looking more stunning than I’d ever seen her...and happier than I’d ever seen her too. She practically glowed as she smiled up at her date.

“How did I miss this?” I breathed.

Max shrugged beside me. “Well, you were rather busy this past week, what with taking care of a fake baby and falling in love…”

Cristian snickered beside me and dropped a kiss on the top of my head when I gave an exasperated sigh. We hadn’t said the L-word. We weren’t there yet.

But we would be...hopefully.

He squeezed my waist like he could read my mind. Maybe he could—there was a lot about Cristian I didn’t know yet.

“Oh hey, there’s the rest of the lonely hearts club,” Max said as she flagged down Lulu, Emma, and Charlotte.

“Lonely hearts club?” Cristian asked me.

I shrugged. “I’m a member of a super exclusive club, didn’t I tell you?”

“Not anymore,” Max shot back with a laugh.

She went off to greet our friends and I turned my attention back to the crowd before us.

I watched as some of Lakeview High’s couples moved onto the dance floor as another slow song got underway. Simone was out there with Andrew, looking more unabashedly smitten than I’d ever seen her. Her friend Jax was swaying in time with his girlfriend Rose beside them.

“Come on,” Cristian said as he tugged me toward the action. “I want a dance with my girlfriend.”

Girlfriend. I smiled up at him. I loved that word.

When he had me in his arms, we moved together like we were meant to be like this.

Together. Forever. “You don’t have to dance you know, if dancing’s not your thing.”

“I just want tonight to be perfect for you,” he said.

“It already is,” I laughed as I leaned into him. “Because I’m with you.”

Thanks so much for reading. Be sure to check out Hazel’s story next in Playing Hooky with the Hottie!

Missed Simone’s story? You can find it in the FREE novella, Striking Out with the Star Pitcher

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About the Author

MAGGIE DALLEN IS a big city girl living in Montana. She writes romantic comedies in a range of genres including young adult, historical, contemporary, and fantasy. An unapologetic addict of all things romance, she loves to connect with fellow avid readers. Subscribe to her newsletter at



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