Saved by the Crush's Brother - Maggie Dallen Page 0,34

and part of that entertainment was in watching Cristian squirm.

However, in my defense, he had walked out on me the other day, not even giving me a chance to explain.

Granted, maybe space was what I’d needed. No, not just space. I’d needed some time to figure out what I was feeling for Cristian, but spending one afternoon with Alex had helped me clear up in no uncertain terms how I felt about him.

I did like him…as a friend.

But it became abundantly clear the moment we were alone together that we didn’t have …this.

This heady chemistry that made being in the same room with Cristian feel like a monumental event that I’d remember for the rest of my life.

Not once did I resist the urge to throw my arms around Alex or wonder what it would feel like if he kissed me.

But, more importantly...the conversation just wasn’t there. Oh, he’d been nice enough but there wasn’t that instant kinship—the kind of easy conversation and mutual interest that made you want to stay up all night talking just to hear what the other person had to say.

I could have said all of that right now, but the truth of the matter was… “I’m angry at you.”

His eyes widened and he still had that shocked look about him that was irritatingly adorable since I’d been hoping to give him a stern lecture. In fact, I’d had one prepared but it was now forgotten because my stupid brain was all hazy with endorphins at the mere sight of this guy.

“You’re angry?” He looked so confused, it was kind of adorable.

But I didn’t want to find him adorable right now because I was still fuming over the way he’d left my house like that. Declaring himself a non-contender in my love life without even asking what I might think about that.

The only problem was getting harder and harder to hold onto that anger because I’d heard him talking to Alex.

I’d heard what he’d said.

“You like me.” I punctuated that statement with a jab to his chest that made his eyes widen in surprise again. “I heard you say you like me so don’t try to deny it.”

I jabbed his chest again for good measure, and could I just say...holy muscles, Batman.

I gave my head a little shake. Focus. Now was not the time to ogle my new crush, now was the time to give him heck for being such an idiot. “Why would you just walk out on me like that?” I snapped. My brows came down as I set Buttercup down on the chair next to the door.

I knew now just how sensitive this stupid computerized baby could be and I wasn’t about to risk our grade because my boyfriend was being obtuse.


The word seemed to ring like an alarm in my head. But in a good way. In the holy crap, you won the jackpot at a casino kind of way.

I swallowed as my gaze dropped to his lips.

Bad idea.

I was already having a hard enough time focusing on my anger and now all I could think about was the way he kissed me. The way he held me. The way…

He growled low in his throat and that was the only warning I got before he crushed me to him and kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in months, or even years. He kissed me like I was the most important person in the world.

And I kissed him back. Going up on tiptoe I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms tightened around my waist.

This was exactly where I wanted to be. This was the guy I wanted to be with…

Now if only he could get that through his thick skull.

He let me go so suddenly I just knew he’d had a similar thought. We hadn’t resolved anything, we’d just confirmed the fact that there was chemistry here between us.

But chemistry wasn’t enough to start a relationship.

And that was what I wanted.

As he’d said was what I deserved.

“So?” I said as I caught my breath. My lips still tingled from that kiss, but I wasn’t about to get sidetracked again. “Are you going to apologize?”

He eyed me oddly, and I could have sworn I could see his indecision. I could see the battle going on inside him and it killed me.

“I don’t like Alex,” I said. Even I could hear the hint of desperation in my voice and that just added to my frustration. “I know I told Copyright 2016 - 2024