Saved by the Crush's Brother - Maggie Dallen Page 0,18

got out, giving me a moment to take a deep breath.

The night’s over. Deal with it.

And then he was there, next to my door, opening it for me like he was some kind of old-fashioned gentleman.

I eyed him all the way from his combat boots to the tribal symbol tattoos sticking out from under his T-shirt, and then all the way up to his dark eyes that were fixed on me with a look I could only think of as...predatory.

He gave me his hand and helped me out, which I appreciated since it was so low to the ground. I tried to ignore the fact that I was an ugly mess but I still ducked my head as he shut the door and—wait for it—walked me to my door.

I didn’t even know guys did that anymore.

Did all guys do that?

Would Alex have done that?

I forced myself to shove thoughts of Alex to the side because it wasn’t Alex who’d given me a ride, and it wasn’t Alex who’d been by my side all night. It wasn’t Alex who’d cheered me up and offered me tea and voluntarily given me a hand with the baby assignment.

We both stopped at my front door and I fished for keys. I’d just stuck them in the keyhole when Cristian’s hand covered mine.

I blinked down at the sight of our hands entwined like that, fascinated by the sight. When I looked up he was close. So close. My heart was hammering away in my chest, my lungs oddly constricted like I couldn’t get enough air.

Probably because he was close.

So close.

And then he was even closer as he ducked his head so we were right in each other’s faces. “You must really like my brother to have gone to so much trouble to be near him.”

The words felt like a splash of cold water in this hot, heady fog. “Um…”

“Do you still have a thing for him?”

I blinked once. Twice. I registered the words but my brain couldn’t begin to think of an answer. Did I still like Alex after the way he’d been treating me?

My rose-colored glasses were definitely losing their lustre, but I hadn’t given it much thought. I’d been angry, and hurt, and… “I hope not.”

That was the best answer I could give and it was the wrong one, judging by the way Cristian flinched.

He started to pull back and I acted without thinking, gripping his T-shirt with my free hand and making him freeze. He looked down at my hand on his abs the same way I’d been staring at our hands.

“Why?” I asked, my voice little more than a breath. But I needed to know his answer. I had to know why he cared…

I needed him to say it.

His head never moved but his gaze flicked up to meet mine, almost like he could hear my thoughts. He shifted closer, his free hand coming to the door on the other side of me so I was between his arms, his hand still on mine as he leaned in close.

“I hope you’re not still hung up on him because all I can think about is this…”

He kissed me.

The first touch of his lips against mine was soft and sweet, so shockingly gentle….and electric. I felt the jolt of heat throughout my entire body as he moved his lips slowly over mine. He was close and he surrounded me, but I didn’t feel trapped. I felt…


He kissed me so tenderly, I felt like a breakable, fragile treasure. When he nudged my lips apart, I gasped and the sound had him pulling back, even though my grip on his shirt tightened.

“I probably shouldn’t have done that,” he said. But his tone didn’t sound apologetic and his gaze was roving over my face, taking everything in...for better or for worse.

He moved his hand so mine was free and dipped down to kiss my forehead. “Get some sleep,” he said. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

And then he was walking away and I was left to figure out what on earth had just happened.



Our father was the last one down the next morning and even after his coffee and breakfast he still seemed perplexed by what was happening here.

He eyed the doll suspiciously as he addressed Alex, who looked worse for the wear as he scooped cereal into his mouth.

“Tell me again why you have a baby doll at the table?”

Alex lifted his head with a frown. “It’s for health class.”

My father just shook his head and I Copyright 2016 - 2024