To Save a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,43

kids, or if the relationship will last. It’s all written out in black and white. It’s simple.” I take a heavy breath, realizing I won’t have any of those things. “If you follow the rules and fill out the necessary paperwork,” I say in a whisper, my eyes falling away from him, not wanting to see his reaction to my confession.

He bites his lip, seemingly biting back his words. He lowers his head and shoulders, like the weight of the moon is pressing down on him.

“It’s not a privilege to work, and there should be no requirements to be loved, Fallon.” He refuses to look at me and his words come out rushed and insolent. “Our government takes things that should come naturally and twists them into something for their own benefit. A reward for following the rules. Stress is a part of life, something that’s necessary for you to understand your achievements. Your camp is only providing stress to highlight your failures.” He takes a breath, finally meeting my eyes again. My eyebrows are raised in shock. “Forget what I said. You need sleep, and I need to shut up.” He smiles down at me, but his smile doesn’t meet his eyes.

I swallow hard. I blink a few times until my eyes don’t open again. Part of me can’t bear to look at him any longer. To see the pity and anger in his beautiful face when he looks at me. But his words race through my mind. There shouldn’t be requirements for love. He’s right, but it still hurts hearing it. Whoever Micah is, there is no guarantee our union would make my life better. I am still my mother’s daughter, and it’s time I start acting like it. My life is my own with or without the presence of love.


The Stranger

I wake with a start to the sound of Ripper growling in his sleep. My eyes flinch against the harsh morning sunlight.

Rushing, rapid water fills the quiet, and the moisture of the river is heavy in the air.

My mother is curled on her side, snuggled into Ky’s chest, his arm wrapped protectively around her, hugging her to his body. The corner of my lip pulls into a half smile at the sight of them. I can’t help but wonder if they slept like this at camp or if it’s just because of our new surroundings … a stronger need to protect one another here.

Asher no longer sits by my feet. I turn at all angles, my body searching for his, but he’s not here. Ripper's little legs move wildly in his sleep as another low and menacing growl comes through sharp, clenched teeth. Even in his sleep, he thinks he’s bigger than he really is.

I nudge him with my foot, and he leaps up on all fours with a muffled bark. I stand quietly; rocks shift under my feet. Where could Asher have gone? Is he hunting already?

Ripper and I walk past the black soot from last night’s fire, tiptoeing past my mother and Ky, and make our way up the river. After we’ve walked a ways, I take a minute to splash water on my face from the cold running water. Ripper drinks from the river while I clean him up the best I can—his little paws are clumpy with dirt and tattered leaves.

I look around at my surroundings; I can still see my mother’s sleeping form, but she’s a good distance away. I take notice of the lack of wildlife this morning—no squirrels, no birds; I can’t even spot any fish in the clear water. They’re hiding from something.

Asher has definitely been here recently. How recently, I have no idea. I keep walking, always aware of my surroundings and on high alert for any unnatural sounds. I’m not just listening for Asher but for anything else that might not belong here in nature.

I’m still listening intently when a small, delicate voice reaches my ears. It’s barely audible over the rushing water. A gentle and sad melody calls out to me, the tragic words pressing against the warm air to be heard. Ripper and I slow our pace. We cautiously turn the bend, our steps brushing the edge of the river and my body forming against the jagged cliff. Tracing the rough wall with my fingertips, I peer around the cliff wall for the source of the song.

We spot her before she sees us—a young girl sitting on a large flat rock, flaying a fish. Her Copyright 2016 - 2024