To Save a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,18

here hundreds of times since I was little. My slow and my uneven motions are tiring, yet I enjoy the water against my limbs. All the times I spent here with Ayden wander into my mind. I pause, wondering if he’s noticed my absence yet. We’ve been gone about twelve hours now. Ayden must have finished his chores hours ago.

I wish I could have told him not to worry about me. Or maybe I should have told him to worry for me. With the lack of answers from my mother, I guess I have no idea what danger I may or may not be in.

I run my fingers through my tangled curls and then float on my back, looking up at the darkening sky. The orange has faded, and hues of purple start to stain the clear sky. My mother will wake soon. I probably have less than an hour before I’m back on the run again. My legs ache in protest at the thought.

I’m dreading my immediate future when I hear movement at the water’s edge. I still in the water, my breathing coming in minimal doses as I check my surroundings, my feet kicking wildly to keep me afloat.

Forty-four walks into the water, staring right at me. The hue of the fading sun surrounds us, casting fiery light onto the water’s surface. I can see him move closer to me. He wears only his underclothes into the water. I purposely avoid looking at his chest because I can’t be caught. Again.

He swims around me, keeping space between us. He glides through the water as gracefully as he walks on land. His waves ripple through the water toward me and are the only sound between us. After a few minutes in silence, I try to think of something to say, but once again, we have our conversation barrier because I don’t know sign language and I’m apparently not great at reading lips either.

I try to think of yes or no questions. “You know how to swim?” I ask in confusion, watching him swim perfect laps around me. A stupid but easy question.

He circles me once more before stopping a few feet in front of me and nodding. Water clings to his dark lashes, amplifying his gray eyes.

“So you weren’t born into the compound?” I ask, wondering more and more about his past.

He shakes his head no. I was probably more born into the compound than he was. I grew up watching my mother work there for as long as I can remember.

I think about my next question, not sure if I should ask it or not. “Have you ever bitten anyone?” He looks away from me and into the dark water. The sun has set, and it’s nearly dark now. After a moment, he nods slowly. He’s not ashamed and he’s not proud either.

I’m not surprised by his answer. It only makes me hungry for more answers. I have to tread carefully if I want them answered. I’m not used to asking so many questions. However, I know from experience that if you expect to get an answer at all, your phrasing has to be well thought out with caution. I try to think of something less serious to ask, to take away the apprehensive look he has right now. “Have you ever tossed a girl over your shoulder before?” I ask trying to force a glare through my smile.

He laughs quietly, sure to not set off his chip before he shakes his head no.

“My ass still hurts, just so you know,” I say, splashing water his way. My waves fall short and barely touch him. He raises his eyebrows in mock surprise before splashing me back. I swim away the best I can, but his retaliating wave of water hits me right in the face. I laugh and kick my feet hard at the water’s surface trying to get him back with rapid-fire waves as I make my way slowly to the shore.

Just as I’m a few feet from my clothes, I turn to look at him. He’s much closer now. The smile falls from my face, and I lose my breath when I realize how close he is. He’s not touching me, but he’s only inches from me. The dark water separates our bodies. My heart’s pounding again, and I get the urge to pull him to me and never let go. He can hear or maybe see my pulse because he looks from my lips to Copyright 2016 - 2024