To Save a Savage Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,49

men give their women such enjoyment. Why, the next imbecile ye sleep with may be a dud, and not even know which hole to put his cock into.”

She chuckled against his chest and placed a light kiss over his heart. “With such a good teacher as I’ve had tonight, I’m sure I can bestow my learning onto them, enough to make even you proud.”

Ben grunted a noncommittal reply. He wanted to murder the bastard who would even think to touch his Kenzie. Was she trying to drive him mad with such thoughts of others in her bed? Something told him she was. “Do not test me, lass. Ye may not like what happens when ye do.” Or she’d like it too much and want more of the same. Which was quite fine with him.

“Really?” she said, looking up and meeting his gaze. “And what would your punishment be?”

Wild thoughts about taking her again, not just in this bed, but wherever they found themselves alone, bombarded his mind. Kenzie had been affectionate and active in his bed; to the core of his very soul, he believed that she would enjoy whatever he proposed. “Would ye like to find out?”

The glide of her hand drifted down his abdomen and settled against his already hardening cock. She slid a finger down its length, and he clenched his jaw, wanting her to wrap her fingers about his girth and stroke.

“I would,” she said, doing what he wanted. Could this lass read his mind?

Ben rolled her onto her back, kissing her deeply, before showing her exactly what happened to twenty-first-century women who teased Highland lords.

Kenzie woke up with a start, the sun’s bright rays slicing into the room through the windows that housed multiple panes of square glass. She sat up, feeling Ben’s gaze on her without even looking at him. Not that she wasn’t aware of his lovely, pleasing, sprawled body beside her, because she was. Terribly aware.

“What are ye doing, lass? I hope ye don’t regret ye decision of last eve.” He rolled on to his back and stretched, reminding her of a well-satisfied cat. She lost herself in the sight of him, the memory of what he’d done to her, more than once the night before, making her blush.

“I had a nightmare.” One that she couldn’t tell Ben about for it was about him and the fate that beheld him. Of faceless men who seized the castle, killing everyone with no regard and chasing down Ben, slicing him from behind, where he fell face down, his eyes sightless toward where she stood watching it all. She shivered and threw back the blankets to get out of bed.

Ben reached over, pulling her back toward him. His arm may as well have been a steel vice for her effort to remove it. He kissed her shoulder, and the delectable nerves that only he brought forth fluttered in her belly. “You’re safe, Kenzie. I’m not sure what ye dream was about, but I’ll protect ye with my own life if it comes to that. Ye have nothing to fear here when you’re with me.”

“I know I am. It was just a dream, I’ll forget it soon enough.” Liar… She snuggled up against his chest. If only she could stay situated such, life would be perfect. With the animal skins surrounding them and the hard planes of muscle that held her close, Kenzie fought not to feel more than she ought toward the Highlander. She was here to find out and possibly stop who threatened his life. To learn all she could about Castle Ross’s layout for the restoration that awaited her in her time. And to perhaps have a lot of hot sex in-between. Nothing more.

Yeah right. I am delusional if I think that is all I am here for.

Sleeping together was a mistake, there was no doubt about that, but emotions and feelings couldn’t be allowed to grow. No deep, gut-wrenching ones that broke your heart when something bad happened. They could be friends only. Friends with benefits.

“Why did ye travel here? Really?” His tone was serious, and she wondered if he suspected her of anything.

Kenzie had two choices, tell him the truth or half-truth. She opted for the latter. “To be with you before I return home. I want to get to know more about you, your son, and your home. Your life here at Castle Ross. If you’ll allow me to stay that is.”

He mulled over her words before he met her Copyright 2016 - 2024