Savaged - Mia Sheridan Page 0,131

“I know you’re new to civilized life, Jak, but we don’t rut like animals,” he murmured, obviously trying to keep his voice low. Harper’s heart sank. Oh God. It was as bad as she thought it was. Shame washed through her.

“I wasn’t rutting,” came Jak’s voice, matter-of-factly. “I was making love.”

Harper grimaced, while simultaneously having the impulse to laugh out loud. Gah. Jak. She pressed her lips together, suppressing a groan. He was so sweet, and so damned unknowingly inappropriate sometimes.

Mr. Fairbanks choked on what sounded like a sip of his beverage, a short laugh emerging before he cleared his throat. “Be that as it, er, may, you have more important things to be focusing on right now.” He paused and Harper thought it sounded like he took a drink, the ice clinking in his glass. “I saw the pile of books in the library. Planning on reading them?”

“I already did read them.”

There was a beat of silence—surprise?—and then Mr. Fairbanks said, “Very impressive. Good.” She heard what sounded like a shoulder pat. “We’ll get you up to speed yet, son. You’ll be one of us in no time.”

Harper backed up very softly and then made sure her footsteps sounded on the marble floor as she entered the dining room, a bright smile on her face.

Jak came toward her immediately, clasping her hand and kissing her cheek. She smiled up at him. “Harper,” Mr. Fairbanks said in greeting.

“Sir, thank you again for having me.”

He nodded. “You’re welcome. May I offer you a drink?” He nodded over his shoulder to the bar cart that he had obviously been standing at when Harper overheard him.

“No, thank you. Just water with dinner is fine.”

The people standing in the opposite corner of the room, approached. An older woman with long blonde hair and a yellow dress, as beautiful and coiffed a person as Harper had ever seen, was in the lead. Jak’s grandfather’s wife, Jak’s step-grandmother she guessed. The woman held out her perfectly manicured hand. “I’m Loni Fairbanks. You must be Harper.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She shook her hand. The woman had a grip like an injured bird. “It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for having me to dinner.”

“Oh, of course. I think it’s so nice that Jak has a little friend.”

Little friend?

She glanced at Jak, and Jak was looking at her with an expression that seemed to be half hostility and half confusion. Jak obviously was leery of the “bird woman.” As a matter of fact, she looked like a tropical bird. Colorful and sharp. Beautiful, but might peck your eyes out if given the chance.

A second woman approached. She was about Harper’s age with blonde hair to her shoulders and Loni’s same delicately pointy features. She smiled tightly at Harper, her eyes doing a once-over that made Harper want to fidget and explain why she was dressed so casually. I didn’t expect to stay for dinner. I didn’t dress for what is obviously a dressier occasion than at most people’s homes. She thought briefly of the warm welcome they’d both received from the Gallaghers, the immediate feeling of inclusion, and felt a pang within. I wish we were there now. Not here, with these people who obviously see me as an unwelcome outsider.

“I’m Gabi.” She held out her hand and gave Harper the same limp shake her mother had, offering her a phony-looking smile that was simultaneously bored.

“Harper,” she said. The young woman stepped away, her smile having disappeared as quickly as it’d come, her face settling into an expression of supreme apathy.

“Well, hi there.” A young man stepped forward, holding out his hand to Harper. She took it. Finally, someone who didn’t seem afraid to touch her. He gripped her hand tightly in his, smiling, his teeth large and bright white. “I’m Brett.” His eyes did a slow appreciative sweep of her that made Harper want to squirm.

“Hi. I’m Harper Ward. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Brett and Gabi are Loni’s children, and Brett works for me at Fairbanks Lumber,” Mr. Fairbanks said. “You’re all about the same age I believe. I’ve been trying to enlist Brett and Gabi to teach Jak what he needs to know about technology. Lord knows I’m pitifully inadequate when it comes to any of these apps the kids are using.” He smiled at Brett and Gabi, and Gabi crossed her arms and rolled her eyes dramatically. Wow. Was she really Harper’s age? She seemed petty, more like a twelve-year-old. Then again, Harper had probably come Copyright 2016 - 2024