Savaged - Mia Sheridan Page 0,114

want to make him feel strange and so she smiled. “I’m honored that I’m giving you your first one then. Let’s sit and you can open it.”

Laurie had collected her bags and was seated on the couch and the rest of them joined her, passing gifts around. Jak watched them, the first hint of uncertainty coming into his eyes. Harper knew what he was thinking, he had nothing to give to them. I should have helped him with the whole gift thing. She hadn’t anticipated that he’d feel bad for not reciprocating. God, she really needed to start considering his situation more. Considering that he watched everything so closely, that he wanted so much to fit in. She was just really getting to know him, but she should have realized that.

“This is from me and Jak,” she said quickly, handing the gift she’d brought for the Gallagher’s. It was a beautifully photographed coffee table book of Montana, done by a local photographer.

Laurie ran her hand over the top of it. “Oh, Harper, Jak, it’s lovely. It’s the perfect addition to our new home. Thank you.”

She smiled. “In the summer, if you’d like, I’d be happy to show you some of those spots. There’s a beautiful waterfall a short distance from here. You can see a picture of it in there.”

Laurie glanced at Mark, and Harper thought she saw something that looked like hope in the older woman’s eyes. Had her gift made her glad—even for a moment—that they’d moved to Montana? Oh, she hoped so. “We would absolutely love that.”

Harper turned toward Jak. “Open yours,” she said softly.

Jak looked down at the gift in his lap and then slowly, so slowly, and painstakingly, removed the bow, and then the wrapping paper, turning over the book she’d picked for him. The Montana Wildlife Guide. “I . . . thought you could look up the names of the things you’ve come to know,” she said very softly.

Jak stared at it, touching it lovingly before looking at her. “Thank you,” he said, and the absolute and utter joy on his face made her heart skip a beat.

“You’re welcome.”

“I . . . don’t have anything for you.”

She took his hand, squeezing it. “Oh, Jak, you’ve already given me so much. You gave me my life back.” She smiled at him, tears springing to her eyes, and he smiled back, so sweetly it broke her heart. This big, strong and competent man was so very out of his depth.

The Gallagher’s gave Harper and Jak gifts next—beautiful handmade scarves each, that Jak touched delightedly and then put around his neck, smiling at them, and not removing it. They all grinned and then talked and laughed and snacked on the appetizers for a while before the doorbell rang and Laurie jumped up. “Oh, goodness, time got away from me. That’ll be my sister, and I need to check the turkey. Mark, will you grab the door?”

Once they were alone for a moment, Harper took Jak’s hand in hers and leaned over, kissing him quickly on the mouth. “You okay?”

He nodded, his gaze lingering on her lips and making her wish they could leave right that second. She wanted him. In a way she’d never wanted anyone before. And the joyful anticipation of making love with him set off a burst of fireworks in her belly.

The twinkle lights sparkled more brightly, the candles on the mantel glowed so warmly, and joy glimmered and danced inside Harper.

This Christmas was the first in many years that she’d felt true happiness, something she hadn’t thought she’d feel again. Having this time with the Gallaghers was also feeding another part of her soul. Family. Parents. Not hers, not Jak’s, but a home she felt so welcomed into.

She was startled from her ambling thoughts when a boisterous group of three burst into the room, the woman who looked like a slightly younger version of Laurie talking exuberantly as two boys followed her, also talking excitedly. “It wasn’t supposed to snow today, and I could barely see out of the windshield driving here. I swear, those weather people should—" They all quieted as they caught sight of Harper and Jak sitting in the living room, but after a moment’s pause, they rushed over, introducing themselves. Jak and Harper stood and Pam gave them each a big hug, smothering them against her chest for a moment before letting go, and making Harper laugh in surprise at the enthusiastic show of affection.

The two boys—or rather, young Copyright 2016 - 2024