Savage in a Stetson (Crossroads #4) - Em Petrova Page 0,62

apart for him. “That’s it, gorgeous. Come on my fingers. Let me feel you squeezing me.”

A roughened cry escaped her as her peak stole the last of her mind. When she came to her senses, his condom-covered cock pressed at the crux of her. She met his stare. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you.” In one hard shove, he filled her.

The bed rocked beneath them, and he lifted her ass in one palm, guiding her against his every thrust. His mushroomed head tunneled inside her, deeper and deeper, bumping her G-spot on the way out and then stretching her once more.

Their mouths collided in a seeking tangle of tongues and moans. Her still-sensitive clit brushed his body over and over. She splayed her leg high on his side to give him deeper penetration, and her second orgasm hit with a force that stole her breath.

“Oh fuuuuck!” He pounded into her faster, and she felt him go stiff and then collapse forward, jerking with each spurt of his release. She held him to her and rode out the final blissful shocks of her release with him.

Eyes closed, they rolled apart and then fit their bodies into a lover’s hold, with her head pillowed on his chest and his palm molded to her spine right above her buttocks.

His heavy breathing slowed in time. “I’d say we christened the bed,” he rumbled.

She smiled against his warm skin. “What’s next? The shower?”

He chuckled. “Floor.”

She giggled.

“Then that wall over there.”

“Kitchen counter?”

“You know it.”

“Am I a sex maniac if I admit I can’t wait?”

He ducked his head to suck at her earlobe. “You’re not the only one sweetheart.”

She rubbed her fingers over his angled jaw, sandpapering over the five o’clock shadow growing there. “You can let your beard grow back if you want.”

He cracked an eye at her. “Do you want me to?”

“Well”—she shivered—“it does have its benefits.”

“Mmm. What kinda benefits?” He scuffed it against her cheek lightly, and she scrambled onto her knees and then walked up the mattress to straddle his face.

He stretched out his tongue and lashed it over her slippery folds even as he gently scrubbed his jaw over her inner thigh. She moaned out and braced herself on the wall as he stole the last of her mind, heart and soul.


Jada, Joss, Kaoz’s wife Brielle and Aidan’s wife Liberty formed a serving line for the men all coming for food.

The new hay shed on the Bellamy was well underway, with the walls and roof erected. By nightfall, they’d have it roofed and the sides completed. The extras would go on over the next few days, but seeing their efforts warmed Jada.

She smiled at the ranch hands holding out heavy plates as they moved down the line. Joss dumped potato salad onto each, and Brielle served up cornbread and corn on the cob. Liberty heaped potatoes on their plates with a wide smile for all. And finally, Jada served up their famous brisket.

“Thank ya, Mrs. Cole.” Theo nodded to her as he moved through the line.

She beamed at the new name. It still shocked her that she and Dom had tied the knot just the week before.

“Mrs. Cole.” The low rumbling tone at her ear made her insides knot at the last time Dom had called her that, just hours before when he pulled her out of bed and toward the shower.

She leaned against him, and he slipped an arm around her waist. “The shed looks great.”

“It does. So do you. Good enough to eat.” He bit into her earlobe, and she suppressed a shiver and the urge to grab him by the hand and find a hiding spot for the two of them to continue their honeymoon celebration.

Cort reached her part of the line, and she served him brisket. Since he was the final cowboy, all the ladies grabbed plates of their own and took seats at the various tables set up in the shade of the garage.

She and Dom settled with Cort and Joss, and baby CT was brought outdoors to join them. Joss cuddled him in one arm while forking food into her mouth in true mom style.

Jada couldn’t believe how much happiness surrounded them—and then she looked up to see Theo seated off away from the others.

She nudged Dom. “Why is he sitting by himself?” she whispered.

He and Cort exchanged a look. “Some o’ the guys are claiming he set the fire in the hay shed,” Dom told her quietly.

“What? He wouldn’t do that. Besides, I thought Copyright 2016 - 2024