Savage in a Stetson (Crossroads #4) - Em Petrova Page 0,36

probably like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Maybe I would,” she challenged.

He huffed a laugh and pulled his cock free of his jeans. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and delivered one long stroke, rolling the head through her fist as she did.

His balls gripped tight to his body at the sensation of her silky hot touch. Seconds later, he had a condom in place and his cock poised at the heat of her. Looking into her eyes, his heart exploded with love for this crazy woman who tested him on a daily basis.

Then in one hard thrust, he filled her.

Chapter Seven

Jada cradled baby Cort against her chest, admiring his faint eyebrows and the long lashes all the Bellamy men had.

“Do you think his eyes will stay blue?” she asked Joss.

“I hope so. He’s a Bellamy man, after all.” Joss smiled and folded a burp cloth into the stack.

“Why don’t you hold him and I’ll do the baby’s laundry?” Jada held out the baby.

“No, no. It’s your turn. Besides, I’m developing that stiff new mommy elbow from holding him so much.”

“I wouldn’t be able to put him down either.”

Joss gave her a questioning look and then picked up another burp cloth. “You trying out a new look, Jada?”

She blinked at her. “What?”

“Blue hair.”

Oh no. She thought she got all the paint off her. Clearly, she’d missed a bit in her hair. And it had been everywhere. After her romp in the truck with Dom, both of them had been covered.

“Or maybe you were painting over at Dom’s, since that’s his color of blue.”

“Uh. Why would I help him by painting?”

Her sister shrugged and hid her smile. “Because you used to be really into the guy?”

“Yes, that’s all over with.” She waved her hand, which startled Cort awake, and he started to fuss.

“I think he’s hungry,” Jada said.

Joss watched him for a moment and then reached out to take him, lifting the top she’d made for easy breastfeeding while Jada took over the laundry.

“Anyway, I came by for some advice, Joss.”

She looked up with surprise in her eyes. “Oh?”

Jada focused on lining up the corners of the cloth, making them meet precisely. “Business hasn’t been very good this month. I’m down a few hundred bucks from where I wanted to be.”

“Oh Jada…”

“It’s okay. I put more money into the business too, like that new sign.” She drifted off in thought of paint and signs and war. “I just wondered if you have some ideas from your business I can use on my restaurant.”

She went silent a moment as she thought it over. “I got a lot of business from that fashion show in the next county.”

She sat up straighter. “That’s true. Maybe there’s a fashion show for barbecue.”

“That’s what I mean.”

She looked at Joss and laughed. “What?”

“Aren’t there big barbecue competitions all over the state in summertime? You could enter the state fair to get recognition.”

She stared into the void for a moment, ingesting her sister’s suggestion. “Joss, you’re brilliant!”

She grinned and looked at her son. “Remember that. Mommy’s brilliant.”

Jada hopped off the chair to hug her sister and kiss her on the cheek. “I’m going to research that.”

“You might want to wash that blue paint out of your hair. And that red on your neck.”

She slapped her hand over her throat. “I didn’t use any red.”

“Maybe it’s a hickey?”

She flushed as red as she suspected the mark Dom had left her with was.

“Aunt Jada has a secret, CT. What do you think it could be?” she said in a singsong manner.

“Your mommy always likes to tease her big sister. But I know a few tricks too, and I’ll teach them to you as soon as you’re old enough!” She kissed CT’s fuzzy head and nudged Joss’s shoulder. “See you later, sis.” She rushed out before her sister spotted more reasons to question her.

As if she wasn’t confused enough about Dom. The man drove her up a wall, but on the other hand, she couldn’t stay away from him. One look and she melted into his arms.

She needed to get a grip on herself, starting this minute. She’d pay him for the sign she’d vandalized and try her best to avoid him. With her busy lifestyle, that should be simple.

Her mornings were spent running errands, spending time with her nephew or catching up with paperwork. But today, she went to her office and started digging into upcoming barbecue competitions. She found two local fairs with competitions to enter and a pit-master barbecue competition Copyright 2016 - 2024