Savage in a Stetson (Crossroads #4) - Em Petrova Page 0,12

this. He’s never cooked as far as I know, let alone brisket!”

Carolee’s eyes widened. “You know Savage personally?”

Oh no. She’d locked herself into a corner.

“I figured everyone in Crossroads knows him.”

Carolee was shaking her head. “I sense there’s more to this story.”

Maybe it was the idea of having an older, wiser girlfriend to confide in, but Jada held back all of thirty seconds before she burst.

“We dated for a couple months. That’s all!”

The woman sat back. “Do you think he’s seeking revenge?”

“No, nothing like that.” Was it? She shook her head. Definitely not Dom’s style. He was more of a leave-a-trail-of-broken-hearts guy.

She continued, “Anyway, do you think sending your husband over to buy brisket and bringing it back here to share is unethical? As a business owner, it’s not very grown-up, is it?”

Thankfully, Carolee let the subject of exes drop. “Nonsense. You can’t tell me that big fast food franchises don’t sample the competition’s food all the time. All is fair in barbecue.”

“You’re right. We’ll send your husband in to buy the brisket first thing when Savage’s opens its doors. Meanwhile…we are going to hit big with our Friday date night deal tomorrow.”

Carolee pattered her fingers on the tabletop and let out a squeal. “We are! I’m so excited for you. And for myself. Working for Mortimer since I was sixteen has been amazing, but I’m happy to have you here, Jada.”

“I couldn’t do it without your help and knowledge.” She slid out of her seat to scoot around the table and squeeze her new friend and employee.

After the happy moment passed, Jada drifted to the windows to look out. She had to admit Dom had fixed the place up a lot. The building had a modern vibe hers didn’t. But that didn’t matter—she had the Mortimer’s legendary barbecue recipe backing her, as well as her own brisket rub and a new secret sauce.

Come lunchtime tomorrow, she expected to see her parking lot clear full of customers. For her opening day, she had big bunches of balloons for every table outside. And she took instruction from Joss by demanding good weather for her event. While her awesome employees served her delicious food, she would visit with customers, introduce herself as the new owner, and make sure all felt welcome and had everything they needed. Including five new dipping sauces for the potato wedges.

She tore her attention from Savage’s and hurried off to the kitchen to check on things one more time before she and Carolee went home for the evening.

After she locked the doors and waved goodbye to Carolee, she headed to her truck. She slowed her pace until she came to a dead stop in the middle of the parking lot to stare at the view.

From two hundred paces, a person shouldn’t be able to see muscle ripple like that.

She blinked. Surely the fading sun was playing trick with her eyes. Dom had to be clothed.

But no—he was definitely not. Naked flanks of muscle rippled as he dragged a rake over the fresh gravel in his parking lot. As she looked on, he raised the rake overhead, showcasing that exquisitely chiseled back, and then set the teeth into the gravel again, only to drag it backward. Muscles bulged in places she felt sure they weren’t supposed to bulge.

He paused to swipe the back of his glove over his forehead, dashing perspiration out of his eyes.

She shivered, also in places she was sure weren’t supposed to shiver.

Dang, why did her competition have to look so good? The female halves of her Friday date-night specials would be staring across the road, which would wreck her business.

She twisted her lips and jumped behind the wheel of her truck. No more gaping at her competition. She didn’t give a fried okra what Dominick “Savage” Cole did over there with or without a shirt. Tomorrow she would stomp the man into dust and send him back to whatever corner of the world would have him.

That certainly wouldn’t be her. No, she wouldn’t be wrapping her legs around those strong hips or raking her nails over his muscled back.

Her insides wobbled as she bumped out of her own parking lot that could use a few scoops of his gravel. He paused in his work, straightening to watch her drive away. She found herself staring in the side mirror at his gorgeous naked torso until she had to swerve to avoid hitting an oncoming vehicle.

“Savage’s Barbecue,” she muttered under her breath. She wondered what his grandpa Copyright 2016 - 2024