Savage Queen (The Dark Elite #3) - Eva Ashwood Page 0,65

in lying about any of it, or in keeping any part of the truth from them.

And more than that, I don’t want to lie anymore. I never wanted to in the first place, and I wouldn’t have kept it from the men if it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t want to risk them getting hurt.

So I take a deep breath, and I start talking.

I explain everything. How Agent Brady approached me, offering me a deal. I admit to my onetime fear that what he said could be true—that the Novaks could possibly be running a sex trafficking ring.

Hale’s expression shifts when I get to that part, and I know he’s remembering the night I came to his room. Realizing that it wasn’t Camilla who put that idea in my head, but Agent Brady. He crosses his arms over his chest, stone-faced and silent as I continue.

He’s furious. I know he is. But the fact that he’s letting me speak gives me a small amount of hope that he won’t hate me forever for what I’ve done. He’s giving me a chance to explain, and I need to use it to make him see—make them all see—that I did this for them.

I continue talking, words pouring out of me as I tell them that once I realized Camilla was the one running the trafficking ring, I made a bargain with Brady.

“If I could help him nail her for that crime, if I could prove she was the one responsible for it, he would back off the investigation into you. Us. The Novaks,” I say quietly, glancing from one face to another, holding each of their gazes. “He accepted. And I hope like hell that he’ll keep his word.”

All four men stare back at me. The tension hasn’t drained from their bodies, but some of the anger has left their expressions. Zaid looks almost thoughtful as he tilts his head, his eyebrows rising.

“It is a big fucking win for him, taking down Camilla’s whole operation. The media loves that kind of thing, and it gives the feds something to point to when they need to prove they’re doing their job.” He shrugs. “Fucking shit up by bringing us into it, especially when he knows he won’t be able to find proof of any Novak involvement, will only fuck up his picture perfect bust. I think she’s right, Hale. She made the right call.”

Lucas nods. Hurt still lingers in his green eyes, but I can practically see the wheels turning in his head as he processes his brother’s words.

“It was still dangerous,” Ciro points out, and I bite my lip. I think Ciro would forgive me for almost anything—except putting myself in harm’s way. His expression is hard, his hands clenched into fists, and I wish I could close the space between us and hug him, wrap my arms around him and reassure both of us that we’re still alive.

But I can’t. Not yet.

Not until they decide whether they can forgive what I did.

“It was dangerous, Grace,” Hale says quietly. “It paid off, but only barely. So many things could’ve gone wrong tonight. You could’ve fucking died. If we hadn’t been able to access security footage of you talking to Lucy, we wouldn’t have gotten to the warehouse when we did.”

His blue eyes glint, and he looks away for a second, swallowing. When he looks back, I’m shocked to see so much raw pain on his face. He looks like he’s physically restraining himself from moving, and I wonder if he’s holding back from walking toward me or turning away.

God, I hope it’s the first one.

“Do you remember what I told you the night you came to my room?” he asks softly. “The night you asked if the Novaks bought and sold people?”

I nod. I remember everything about that night.

“I told you I would never lie to you, Grace.” His nostrils flare. “I fucking meant it. But you lied to all of us.”

“I know.” Tears sting my eyes, and I shake my head, taking a half-step toward them all. “I know, and I’m sorry. But I had to protect you.”


Finally, Hale moves, crossing toward me so quickly that it makes my heart jump. He’s so close to me that our chests are practically touching, his head tilted down as he stares at me.

“That’s not how this works,” he grits out. “We don’t protect each other by lying. By making deals behind each other’s backs.” He gestures to himself, then me, then Copyright 2016 - 2024