Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,66

down, blocking the air from my lungs. Abhorrence curved his scarred lip, death filling his eyes. “You filthy piece of…”

“Boyd!” A voice boomed through the room, bouncing off the tiles. Zander’s frame filled the doorway. “Let her go.”

The guard, Boyd, sneered at me, squeezing tighter.

“Boyd. I. Said. Let. Go.”

Boyd’s nostrils flared, and he shoved me back. Bending over, I drew air into my lungs with a burning cough.

“Watch yourself.” Boyd pointed at me before stomping out of the room, glaring at Zander.

Zander watched me as I straightened, my hand rubbing my throat.

“Get dressed.” He nodded at the pile on the table. “I will be right outside to escort you back to your cell.”

He retreated, leaving me to get dressed. Shakily, I drew my pants on, the spike of fear collapsing down around me again. Overwhelming emotions built behind my crashing adrenaline. I finished dressing, slipped back into my boots, and headed out to find Zander waiting exactly where he said.

He gave me a quick but warm smile before he took off down the corridor, passing other cells. My eyes locked on one of them.

“Stop,” I said to Zander, stepping up to the cage, peering at the person behind the bars. I knew the Games were still going, and almost all the cells were still empty.

Except this one.

I wasn’t the only one who no longer wanted to be part of the show tonight.

“Can you open this cell?” I looked at Zander, my voice empty.

He nodded, not questioning my reasoning. Using a master key on his belt, he slid the metal gate open with a shrill bang.

Tess got to her feet, her eyes tracking every movement I made. Her jaw was locked, showing me no fear, but also no fight. Her watery gaze held no sign any actual tears had fallen for her friend. You didn’t do that here until deep in the night when no one could see, and your cries were absorbed with the others.

“My blanket.” It was an order, not a request or question.

She hesitated for a second, clearly battling the urge to fight. Begrudgingly she bent down, picking up a blanket from the nest she created on the ground.


Her cheeks twitched, rage flaring through her face, but she grabbed the other one as well, holding them out for me.

She knew the game inside and outside of the arena. This was how it worked, and I could not show leniency. Otherwise, I was weak.

Taking the blankets, I headed out of her cell, and Zander closed her back in.

“She died well,” I said.

“Fuck you.”

“No more, Tess,” I commanded. “Your war with me is done. You threaten me or even get in my way, and you join your friend.” I walked away before she could respond. Zander scrambled to catch up with me, keeping stride with me to my cell. Walking into it, I turned to face my guard.

“You are…” Zander shook his head in awe, sliding my door closed, grabbing the bars the moment it locked, staring at me. “Something.”

“I’m something all right.” I snorted, dropping the blankets to the ground.

His silence drew my attention back, his brown eyes watching me. His expression made nervous energy flush through my body.

He watched me boldly, his intention clear. But different from so many other men, Zander’s focus wasn’t leering or lustful. He wanted me, but his look was softer, almost longing. Sweet. In a place filled with violent death and cruel torture, it was jarring. Unsettling.

I didn’t know how to handle it. Staring down at the floor, I nervously licked my lip.

“There’s not a word I could find in this language that could define you.”

A curt laugh drove up through my mouth. “Don’t worry. I’ve heard cold-hearted bitch in almost all languages.”

“That is not at all the description I had in mind.” His gaze stayed intently on me until he peered off to the side, finally breaking the contact. “You have stirred something here. From the moment you walked in, you have changed the dynamics, the order. It’s as if everything is about to topple.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. I just feel it.” His attention came back to my face. “And I feel myself being caught up in your current. I can’t seem to stop myself.”

I gulped, his declaration stirring both flames and ice in me, passion and fear.

He tapped the bars, stepping back. “Be careful of Boyd. He has a weak character, a lust for power and blood, and no conscience,” he said before marching away as if nothing personal Copyright 2016 - 2024