Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,29

stepped back into a different time. The fae king clearly wanted this place to look rundown and unused.

It took me a moment to realize we weren’t alone. Wearing all black, some almost blending in with the walls like they were ghosts, silent and deadly, a dozen guards strolled the area. Weapons I had never seen before were in their hands or dangling from harnesses. Bars and gates closed off almost every opening, giving “visitors” one way in and one way out.

The atmosphere plucked at my skin as my eyes picked up more and more soldiers, lining stairs below and above. They covered every inch, but you’d never notice them from afar. This place was impregnable.

I gulped, feeling the thumping of my heart crank up, sweat dripping down my neck.

Most saw Sloane and stepped to the side, eyeing me with speculation or boredom. We went down a set of stairs, descending into the mountain.

No escape. As good as being buried alive. Panic spun my head, and darkness edged my vision.

“Hey, Sloane.” A breathtaking dark-haired man with a long, refined nose and eyelashes a girl would stab someone for greeted him. He reminded me of a show horse. Long, shiny hair and huge dark eyes. Probably a shape-shifter.

“Zander.” Sloane nodded.

“I heard you were bringing us another prisoner.” The man stopped, his gaze going over me.

“Your new guest,” Vale replied, motioning to me.

“Her?” Zander’s lids narrowed on me then went to the guys. “She did that?” He nodded to the bruise on Sloane’s face.

“She’s a feisty filly.” Vale winked back at me.

“She got the drop on you?” Zander gapped at Sloane.

“Why the surprise?” I snipped. “Is it because I’m not male?”

“No.” He snorted, sounding like a huff. “We aren’t chauvinistic as you humans are. But for someone to do that, I’d expect them to actually be dangerous.” He leaned close to me. “Man or woman.”

“How do you know I’m not?”

“Been here far too long.” He chuckled. “You are not dangerous.”

“Hey, it’s the big boy’s club.” Another man strolled out, a woman right at his side.

“Sloane.” The woman nodded at my lead guard. “Vale. Connor.” She addressed the other two.

“Jade. What’s up, sweetheart? I can tell you’ve missed me.” Vale winked at her. He seemed to be the more playful, cocky one of the group.

“This is her?” Her partner stepped back, laughing, his golden feline gaze roaming over my bare legs and bloody gown. Another shape-shifter, some kind of wildcat. “Really?”

“Don’t let her scrawny ass fool you.” Connor shook his head.

“Oh, what? Did this little waif of a human kick your ass, Connor?” The man was far smaller and less built than Connor, but his arrogance consumed the space, reminding me of Aron. He’d be fun to put in his place.

As if Connor could sense my thoughts, his hand clamped down on my shoulder. “I would love to see this girl spread you over the cement, but we need to transfer her. I’d rather get to the pub and see my woman.”

“It’s only been six days since her capture; she is still healing, but don’t underestimate her,” Sloane added, pushing me forward toward them.

The fae woman nodded. She was so stunning it hurt to look at her, but her strange reddish eyes told me she was a demon, what they used to consider “dark fae” or Unseelie. None of it mattered anymore, just like race/skin, color wasn’t relevant among humans anymore. All that was important now was humans versus fae.

Fae came in every shape, size, and magical ability. From high fae to sub fae, the types varied far more than human races did now. In the last twenty years, the mixed species of half-human, half-fae exploded across the world, although a huge following of extremists on both sides fought to keep the bloodlines pure.

“Don’t worry, boys; the babysitters are here. You can go back to your cushy jobs up there.” The guy waved his hand in the direction of the castle.

“Watch yourself, Zion.” Sloane stepped closer to him. “I am your superior, and if I killed you, no one would miss you.” Sloane flicked his head to the woman. “Not even Jade would shed a tear.”

Zion snarled, his chest puffed out, and his eyes challenged Sloane.

“Zion, come on.” Jade yanked him away, her fingers wrapping around my cuffs, tugging me away from Sloane. “We got this.”

The guy huffed, stepping back.

I twisted to see my three captors. Was it strange to feel scared to leave them? They were all my enemies, but at least I Copyright 2016 - 2024