Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,22

through my flesh as I dug deeper, landing on the product contained below.

I knew it.

In my gut, I knew this was the product Istvan was talking about. You didn’t put guns and cash on top if you weren’t trying to hide something more important underneath.

Picking up a clear baggie, my bloody grip smeared over the plastic. My gaze narrowed. This was different from anything I had ever seen. I flipped the bag filled with neon blue pills; it was almost like they were glowing. My eyes searched for a label, but it was blank—no medical instruction or ingredients.

“Brexley,” Caden snapped, anxiety coiled through my name. Time was up, but I couldn’t move, taking in the thousands of pills stuffed in the hundreds of bags at the bottom, all jammed in the long container.

Drugs. But what kind?

These hummed with magic, more than any I had ever felt, almost like each one had a pulse. Glowing blue powder swirled in the transparent pill cases. I plucked one out, cracking it open, sampling a bit with my tongue.

I couldn’t taste anything, but I could feel the buzz of magic coat my tongue.

I knew this was not the ordinary cocaine, fairy dust, heroin, or meth that traveled through our walls.

What the hell were they? What made these different from the normal fae drugs snuck across borders?


My gaze drifted to another dozen or more crates stacked in the room, all identical to this one. Were they all packed the same?

“Brexley! Now!” Caden’s hand came down on my arm, yanking me toward the door. Brakes squealed as the train slowed, preparing to stop. My head whipped around, watching the bridge recede in the distance as the train rolled into the fae station, stopping.

Oh. Holy. Shit.

I barely managed to stuff the evidence into my bag as Caden hauled me out. He paused at the platform and peered around. At least eight fae soldiers stepped up to the train, weapons hanging over their shoulders.

“Fuck. Fuck.” Panic radiated from both of us. My heart slammed against my ribs.

Fuck was right. I had taken too long, pushed our escape past the brink.

“Dammit, Brex.” Blame drenched every syllable. “I yelled at you over and over that it was time, but you had to push it, didn’t you?”

Voices traveled down to us, guards from both sides conversing.

“Carriage three, clear,” a voice yelled.

“Passenger car, check,” another called out.

“Az istenit!” Caden’s head darted back to the bridge and then to the fae moving closer to us, checking each carriage.

“We run for it.” Hands shaking, I put my arms through the straps of my bag, securing it to me.

“Run?” He spat, motioning to the bridge. The water, where we could have jumped before and swam, was now at least a block behind us. A long way to run in the open without any place to hide. “We’ll be killed before we even get halfway!”

“What else do you suggest?” I volleyed. “There is no alliance between the sides. You get caught, and it will be like Christmas to them. A normal thief is dead, but what do you think they’d do with the son of their enemy?”

“You don’t think I fucking know that?” He gritted his teeth. His fear turned into fury at me, which I fully deserved. “We’re gonna die here tonight.”

“Guess you should have just kissed me earlier instead, huh?”

He glared at me.

“We run. And we don’t stop until we make it.” I tipped my chin up, challenging him. “You with me, Markos?”

He gritted his jaw but nodded as the voices grew closer to us.

“On my call.” He peeked around the side, holding up his hand. The sound of boots banging up metal steps echoed in the air.

My pulse twitched at my throat, my toes ready to push off on his mark.

His hand swished down. “Go!”

We sprang off the top step, instantly leaping into a sprint. My focus locked on our destination, my legs stretching, my arms pumping, running faster than I ever had. Caden’s long legs easily overtook mine.

“Hey! Stop!” a voice hollered.


There was no second notice. Shots rang out from behind, the bullets outracing me, pinging off the poles and ground close to my boots. A yelp caught in my throat, my feet stumbling. Years of instruction kicked in, making me zigzag so they couldn’t get a clear shot.

Caden’s head swiveled around, searching for me.

“Come on! Hurry!” He waved me forward, slowing down.

Waiting for me.

“Don’t stop!” I screamed as hollers and gunfire exploded close behind me, drowning my voice. “Go!” He was Copyright 2016 - 2024