Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,14

smile while screaming on the inside. “A pleasure.”

“I hope Rebeka kept you entertained.” Istvan touched his wife’s back, sharing a fake “we’re so in love” smile between them.

“Your lovely wife could always entertain me in your absence. I enjoy her company much more than yours, Istvan.” You couldn’t mistake the innuendo drenching his sentiment. His stern face and eyes stared back at our leader.

Rebeka’s eyes slid to her husband with unspoken words, but a false, sparkling smile still stretched her mouth as she swished her hand at the prime minister. “Always such the charmer, Alexandru.”

Tensions were high between Romania and Hungary. Instead of coming together when they realized splitting off from the Unified Nations was in nobody’s best interest, they doubled down, wanting to acquire more land from the other. It was a constant threat, a thin line of alliance, which at any time could crumble.

Budapest always had a turbulent past, being tossed from one dictator to another, finally coming out of it only to turn its back on the king and queen, reverting this land back to authoritarian rule with a penchant for war.

“She was just confirming our cargo would be heading out tonight,” Lazar stated, a challenge in his voice.

Cargo? As far as I knew, Romania went through Ukraine to export their supplies. Another leader attending the party who walked the line between enemy and ally. The room was full of adversaries, all pretending they got along and wanted peace between us. You’d think fighting the fae would bring humans together, but it didn’t. Instead, they bickered and fought amongst themselves, each trying to seize more power.

“Yes, though I don’t think this is the place to discuss it.” Istvan shoved his shoulders back, the war of egos battling it out. It would have been more honest if they had drawn out their dicks and started using them as swords.

“Why?” Lazar lifted his eyebrow, motioning around the room. “Isn’t this exactly why you invited me? The room is set to impress. I do hope I wasn’t supposed to be daunted by your wealth and power, Istvan. That would be a shame.”

I could recognize the clench of Istvan’s jaw, the negligible twitch in his left eye. It was so slight no one would notice, but I had spent years pissing off Istvan.

“The items will be departing on the last night train before dawn. Without a hitch, I assure you.”

“I am taking a great risk with you.” Lazar took a sip of his champagne. “If President Ivanenko hears of our deal, let’s just say the next time he comes here, it will be with troops.”

Ivanenko was the Ukrainian “president.” A ceremonial title. With the walls falling between the fae world and Earth twenty years ago, there really were no presidents or prime ministers anymore. They each got a piece of the city they shared with fae leaders. But they clung to the old titles like wailing children trying to hold on to a favorite toy as it got tossed into the fire.

Ivanenko’s power was multiplying as he acquired more soldiers, money, and weapons. Rumors of him working with the fae to expand his influence over other human-ruled lands abounded. His threat to conquer their land loomed over both Hungary and Romania.

“It will make both our countries very wealthy.” Istvan kept his voice low, his eyes sliding around the room, making sure no one overheard him. “Once it is out there. We will control the trade—become untouchable. Have power and unyielding armies at our fingertips. Trust me. What I have seen… There is no question it works.”

What was he up to? The wealthy businessmen in Leopold owned all of the human factories in the Savage Lands, not Istvan. I wasn’t naïve to think he didn’t dabble in their dirty dealings or know what they were doing. He had to. It was the only way to survive in these times in the East. And as a ruler, he needed to know everything going on, but he mainly stayed away from trade, letting his fat friends get fatter.

This felt different. What deal had he made with Lazar? And what were they exporting out of here?

“However, let me stress again that this is not the time to discuss such matters.” Istvan cleared his throat, his demeanor lightening as he grabbed a champagne flute from a tray, his eyes falling on me. “We have much more pleasant things to plan.”

Like an icy finger scraping down my spine, I shivered, my stomach twisting with alarm at his Copyright 2016 - 2024