Savage Lands - Stacey Marie Brown Page 0,129


Warwick lifted his chin, a deep growl shuddering the air. Sloane stepped up to him, his stature a little smaller than Warwick’s, but both were threatening and challenging.

It was a full beat before Warwick snarled and dropped my arm and stepped away. Vale and Connor took me, cuffing my arms behind my back. A sick sense of déjà vu filled me, choking me with misfortune.

“This ends my debt,” Warwick barked at Killian. “I’m free of you for good.”

“Sure.” Killian grinned smugly, picking up a large envelope off the seat. “And as I promised.”

Warwick stepped forward, grabbing it from him and opening it, peering in at the contents. He exhaled, his shoulders slouching in relief. Folding it into his pocket, he swung back for his bike, not even looking at me.

He got what he wanted and fucked off.

Anger. Hurt. Sadness. My soul felt sliced into pieces as I watched him walk away, grief burning the back of my eyes and throat. How could he do this? I had been so blind. A fool to trust…

Connor and Vale pushed me forward, forcing me into the back of the SUV, sitting on either side of me, guns primed, seeming to recall I was a little more dangerous than I appeared. Killian slipped into the passenger side, Sloane taking the driver’s seat.

The SUV squealed as we pulled away. I hadn’t even noticed where we were until now. The old abandoned commuter train station not too far from Leopold.

I had been so close to home once again. To my family. To freedom.

But that wasn’t what hurt the most. My gaze went outside the darkened windows. Warwick straddled the bike, ready to take off, his eyes on the back window like he could sense me, piercing the darkened glass and pinning me in place. His face was blank and defensive, but I swore I could feel raw emotion slam into me: Hatred. Anger. Confusion. Guilt. Doubt.

But it disappeared as he started the bike. He circled us once before the bike tore off into the night, leaving me gutted.



Staring straight ahead, the fae castle in the distance, HDF glittering in the night like stars, I felt something shift inside me.

Whatever was ahead, whatever Killian had planned for me, I would come out alive.

Whatever it took, whatever I had to do, I would survive. Live.

Because right there, I made a promise to myself.

I would kill Warwick Farkas.

It was a promise I would not break.

I would become the very monster the House of Death created.



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About the Author

Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.

She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts.

When she’s not writing she’s out hiking, spending time with friends, and traveling. She also volunteers helping animals and is eco-friendly. She feels all animals, people, and the environment should be treated kindly.

To learn more about Stacey or her books, visit her at:

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Twitter: @S_MarieBrown



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Besides the Winterland Tales, which is more a fairytale retelling, this is my first PNR in 2 years. I’ve been terrified the entire time writing it, scared that it wouldn’t live up to the DCL Saga. It’s always hard starting a new series. Even though its set in the same world, it’s takes place in a different part, which required much world-building.

I fell in love with Brexley and Warwick and hope you guys will too. Hope you will give these new set of characters a chance!

Kiki & Colleen at Next Step P.R- Thank you for all your hard work! I love you ladies so much.

Jordan Rosenfeld at Write Livelihood - Every book is better because of you. I have your voice constantly in my head as I write.

Hollie “the editor”- Always wonderful, supportive, and a dream to work with.

Jay Aheer- So much beauty. I am in love with your work!

Judi Fennell at Always fast and always spot on!

To all the readers who have supported me: My gratitude is for all you do and how much you help indie authors out of the pure love of reading.

To all the indie/hybrid authors out there who inspire, challenge, support, and push me to be better: I love you!

And to anyone who has picked up an indie book and given an unknown author a chance. THANK YOU! Copyright 2016 - 2024