Savage King: New Worlds - Milly Taiden Page 0,16

course, she could be completely under a cover and still be desirable.

She turned to him. “Where are we?”

“You’re in the Banleth Forest,” he replied.

Daphne leaned toward his mate. “I didn’t hear a name in all that. Did you?”

“Okay, Xenos. Just say the one of where we are,” she clarified.

“Banleth.” He let out a sigh. This would take damnation near forever.

“Banleth?” Lilah said, wrinkling her nose. “Where’s that?”

Wren turned to him. “What country are we in?”

“Country?” He didn’t know what that was. “Gecire,” he said, opening his arms wide.

The females gathered among themselves. Lilah whispered. “Is Geeshire a country or a hobbit home?”

“He’s too big to be a hobbit,” Daphne said. “Plus, hobbits didn’t look that good.” She eyed him. His face heated.

His mate hit the female’s shoulder. “He can hear you. Pay attention.”

Daphne frowned and rubbed her arm. “I am.”

Wren huffed. “Doesn’t matter where we are. Someone with a phone has to be relatively close.”

Lilah bit on her bottom lip. “Think loincloth hottie knows what a phone is? I bet we’re in Africa, deep in Brazil.”

“Brazil is in South America,” Daphne told Lilah.

“Whatever. I didn’t take geography in school.”

He picked up on the increase of Wren’s heart rate. He smelled fear from her. He laid a hand on her back. “Wren?”

“Shit,” Daphne said, “she’s going into another panic attack.”

He stared at his mate, watching her deteriorate. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her as he stood straight. In a soft whisper, he told her, “I’ve got you, my love. I will protect you from whatever frightens you.” Her body shook.

He remembered a song his birth mother sang to him when he was young and frightened when a bad storm would blow through the forest. The words were long gone, but the melody remained in his heart. He hummed as he drifted side to side.

Memories from his childhood rushed forward. Good memories, times before he became a killer. He swallowed those thoughts. Now his mate needed him. He glanced at his mate’s friend. Both of their mouths hung open, their eyes bouncing between him and his mate against his chest.

“Damn,” Lilah mumbled, “seems Wren got herself a hot buns Tarzan.”

Her words made no sense to him.

His mate let out a calm breath. “Lilah,” she said with slight irritation. She patted his chest, and he let her down. She stepped up to her friend where their noses almost touched. He didn’t smell fear any longer, but happiness. He was completely confused with her actions.

Her face broke into a smile, stepped back and shook her hips, singing, “Me, me, me. He likes me. I got me a hot buns.” She turned is a circle with arms raised over her head. “All mine. I’m gonna keep him. Woo woo.”

She looked mighty tasty shaking her ass and he noticed something about her he hadn’t until now. Her breasts were beyond full. They would fill his hand. In her baggy shirt, they bounced. She was a goddess. He’d never seen anything so amazing.

He didn’t deserve her, but damnation, he wasn’t giving her up. He turned away from the females, trying to keep his erection out of their view. He didn’t know what their views on intimate relationships were, but he was raised with the concept such things were meant to be between the couple and nobody else.

All the females wore so much clothing over their bodies that he doubted they were exhibitionist. But he had to admit that his mate would draw stares and attention by all in the tribe. Only those with wealth would be able to afford her. Unfortunately, he didn’t know who those members were.

His tigron clawed at him. It would not put up with leaving their mate with someone else. It wouldn’t allow it.

Daphne and his mate raised their arms over their heads and slapped hands, all the while laughing.

Daphne glanced at him and a brow lifted. “Oh, back in school,” she told him, “we had this thing where Wren was too shy to get a boyfriend, and Lilah had a new guy every weekend.”

“Hey,” Lilah whined, “I did not. Not every weekend.”

His mate and Daphne rolled their eyes at the same time. He stifled a smile. She was happy with these other two. They scented very much the same—fae and elf blood, plus something else he’d never scented before. He didn’t think they were immediate family, but perhaps close ties.

“So,” Daphne continued, “this one time we were hanging out at a hamburger joint, and Lilah had her eye on Copyright 2016 - 2024