The Sapphire Child (The Raj Hotel #2) - Janet MacLeod Trotter Page 0,124

to hear Tom’s news about his son and how her family was, so kissed Belle and hurried along to the veranda.

There was still a chill in the air once the sun slipped behind the mountain behind them. Tom was already sprawled in a cane chair clutching a tumbler of whisky. Even in the soft lamplight he looked exhausted. He half-rose.

‘Please don’t get up,’ Stella said. ‘How was your journey?’

‘Two punctures and a landslide near Baramullah,’ said Tom. ‘But otherwise uneventful. How is Belle?’

‘Almost asleep,’ said Stella.

‘She’s been good as gold,’ said Esmie.

‘I can’t wait to see her,’ Tom said with feeling.

‘So now that Stella’s here,’ said Esmie excitedly, ‘tell us how everyone is at the Raj. Was Andrew in good heart? Tell us everything.’

Tom took a swig of his drink and addressed Stella. ‘Your family are very well – missing you of course – but all is running smoothly at the hotel.’

‘And how is Myrtle?’ asked Esmie.

‘Putting on a brave face,’ Tom answered. ‘She’s obviously missing Charlie a lot but keeps busy with Charles, whom she adores.’

‘What is Charles like now?’ Stella asked eagerly. ‘Is he saying much?’

‘The wee lad is full of chatter,’ Tom said. ‘Some of it incomprehensible but he’s going to be another sociable Dubois.’

‘And Andy?’ Esmie pressed him. ‘It must have been wonderful seeing him again.’

‘It was.’ Tom’s face twisted in a half-smile. ‘He’s a fine young man – tall and good-looking. The residents were cooing over him.’

‘Is he still the loving Andy we remember?’ Esmie questioned.

Tom put down his glass with a sigh. ‘He’s kind and loving about his mother. But she’s obviously spent the past nine years blackening our names. To be frank, he’s angry at us.’

‘What has Lydia been saying?’ Esmie asked in dismay.

Tom hesitated and glanced at Stella.

‘Do you want me to leave you to discuss this alone?’ she asked.

Esmie shook her head.

Tom said grimly, ‘Lydia claims that I left her for you – that I was the adulterer – and that you stole me away.’

‘How dare she!’

‘Not just that,’ said Tom, ‘but she’s convinced Andy that we also took him from his mother against her wishes.’

Esmie put a hand over her mouth to smother a cry. Tom quickly leaned across and gripped her other hand. ‘I tried to tell him it wasn’t true – that you are a complete innocent in all this – but he won’t hear a bad word said against Lydia.’

‘Does he hate me?’ Esmie gasped. ‘He must do if he believes me capable of such a thing.’

Stella spoke up. ‘He can’t hate you. I know how much he adores you deep down. That sort of love doesn’t just go away. You need to see him again so you can tell him the truth yourself.’

Esmie gave her a grateful look. ‘Tom, do you think he’ll agree to see me?’

Tom said, ‘He did promise that he would try to come to Gulmarg, if he got leave. He sent you his regards, which is encouraging—’ He paused, looking uncomfortable, before adding, ‘And congratulations about the baby.’

Stella’s heartbeat grew erratic. ‘D-did he believe you about Belle?’

Tom nodded. ‘Unfortunately, he got to hear about her from your mother before I could tell him. I don’t in the least blame Myrtle – I curse myself for not letting him know sooner.’

Stella shifted in her chair uncomfortably. ‘That must have been embarrassing for him. I’m so sorry if I’ve made things more difficult for you and Andy.’

Tom let out a long sigh. ‘I’m afraid it’s me who’s made things ten times worse.’ Abruptly, he buried his head in his hands. ‘I can’t forgive myself for what I did . . .’

Esmie asked in alarm, ‘Tom, what do you mean?’

Tom looked at her, his face suddenly grey and lined. ‘I – I punched him. I hit my boy.’

Esmie gasped.

Tom swallowed hard. ‘We were arguing and I couldn’t bear the things he was saying about you . . .’

‘Did you hurt him?’ Esmie asked in agitation.

‘I made his lip bleed. Oh, Esmie, how could I have done such a thing? I don’t deserve to be his father. He took it like a man and didn’t retaliate. In fact, he apologised for losing his temper too. That made me feel worse. I wish he’d knocked me senseless.’

‘Don’t say that!’ Esmie reached out and put her arms around him. They clung to each other.

Tom’s voice was desolate as he said, ‘He cut his stay short – he couldn’t get away from me quickly enough. It was like talking Copyright 2016 - 2024