Sand Castle Bay (Ocean Breeze) - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,84

huff. “If you intend to bring her around my grandson, then I definitely have something to say. Maybe we can start with how B.J. managed to cut himself so badly he needed stitches while he was in her care. What kind of reckless person allows that to happen? She’s obviously not responsible enough to be left in charge of a boy.”

Boone wondered how she’d found out about Emily’s involvement in that incident, but that was hardly the point. He drew in a deep breath and prayed for patience.

“You know how it is around here after a storm,” he replied. “There were boards with nails all over the place. B.J. never slows down, no matter how many times he’s told to be careful. It was an accident, and he’s perfectly fine.”

“He had to have stitches, Boone. That is not fine in my book.”

“Then let’s just say the stitches are out,” he replied. “There were no complications. We can leave it at that.”

“Is he going to have a scar?”

“A very minor one,” Boone admitted, then added, “Much to his disappointment.” He tried for a more soothing tone, knowing she was truly worried about her grandson. “Jodie, I promise you he’s fine.”

She wasn’t placated. “But it happened when he was with that woman. And then you go and take her along on a school shopping trip. What is wrong with you? Does she have some sort of bizarre hold on you?”

“Jodie, this conversation isn’t productive.”

She heaved a heavy, put-upon sigh. “Boone, I simply don’t understand how you could be that inconsiderate of our feelings and that disrespectful of Jenny’s memory.”

“Excuse me?” Boone said, his temper finally stirring, which was never good when dealing with his in-laws. Trying to be mindful of their importance in B.J.’s life while ignoring their disapproval of every choice he made was a tightwire act.

Jodie was either oblivious to his annoyance or didn’t care. She kept right on going. “You heard me. What is that woman doing back in Sand Castle Bay, anyway? Did she hear that Jenny’s gone and come back for you?”

Boone was trying his best to make allowances for her grief, but she was getting pretty darn close to crossing a line. “Jodie, you need to stop this,” he said quietly.

His warning fell on deaf ears.

“Why would you allow Jenny’s son to be around her?” she asked, her voice catching. “That’s completely inappropriate and you know it.”

“There’s nothing inappropriate about B.J. getting to know an old friend of mine,” Boone replied. “Emily came back here to help Cora Jane after the hurricane. She and I hadn’t been in touch in years. When she got here, she assumed I was married.”

“She must have been thrilled to learn otherwise,” Jodie said sourly, not convinced that Emily wasn’t plotting to grab him.

“Actually she was very sorry to hear about Jenny. And she’s been wonderfully supportive with B.J. about his mom. He’s able to talk to her about Jenny in ways he hasn’t with me.”

“I don’t believe that for a minute. I know how those West Coast women operate.”

From reading too many tabloids, he suspected. “Emily’s from North Carolina, Jodie.”

“Well, she doesn’t live here now, does she? I’m sure she’s just like all those women who jump in and out of beds whenever the mood strikes them.”

“Jodie,” he said harshly, “we’re not going to continue this conversation if you’re going to make ridiculous judgments about a woman you don’t even know.”

“I know her type,” she said, not relenting. “She probably couldn’t wait to get her clutches into B.J., either.”

Boone was growing tired of the whole topic, but he kept trying to get through to her. He knew his life would be a whole lot easier if the two of them could manage to get along. It would be best for B.J., too, not to have his father and his grandparents feuding.

“Jodie, you know how B.J. loves Cora Jane. Of course he and Emily were bound to cross paths. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

“Well, it is a big deal. What do you think Jenny would have to say about your old girlfriend getting close to her son?”

“I think she’d be more open-minded than you’re being,” he said candidly. “I think she’d be pleased that he has someone he’s comfortable talking to about his mom.”

“Why is it he can’t talk to you? Does it make you feel too guilty when Jenny’s brought up?”

“No, it makes me very sad, the same way it reminds you of your loss. B.J.’s picked Copyright 2016 - 2024