Sand Castle Bay (Ocean Breeze) - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,61


“So I’ve heard. You ever heard of one that lasted?”

“It won’t be forever,” Boone said optimistically. “We’ll work it out. If it’s meant to be, that is.” He stood up. “I’m beat. I’m going to head up to bed. The guest room’s yours if you want it.”

Ethan gestured to the nearby prosthesis. “I’m good here, but I will stay the night if you don’t mind. Probably not smart to hit the road after that last beer.”

“Stay wherever you want. Need anything?”

“Not unless you can figure out a way for the Braves to pull this game out in the bottom of the twelfth. They’ve blown a lead four times tonight.”

“They’ll break your heart, all right.”

He left his friend to the game, stopped to look in on B.J., then went to his own room. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the snapshot of him, B.J. and Jenny taken the summer before she’d died. He looked at her face and thought he saw some of that joy Cora Jane had insisted was there.

“I did love you, Jenny, and I hope I did right by you,” he whispered, then sighed. “I just hope I’m not betraying you now.”

To his shock he thought he felt the whisper soft touch of a breeze on his cheek just then. He glanced across the room, but the windows were closed. His gaze returned to the photo.

“Thanks,” he said, putting a finger to his lips and then to hers.

When he crawled between the sheets, he fell right to sleep. For the first time in what seemed to be forever, he wasn’t tormented by nightmares and regret.

* * *

Emily sighed when she saw the message from Sophia on her cell phone Thursday morning. She’d already spoken to her twice since the successful fund-raiser. It was hard to imagine what more she could have to say. Because she was an important client, Emily called her back.

“Good morning,” she said cheerfully when she reached her. “Are you still basking in all the glory of that fortune you raised at your dinner?”

“That women’s shelter needs all the help it can get,” Sophia told her. “What I raised was just a pittance compared to what they could use. I was over there yesterday and they said they’re running out of room. It just breaks my heart to think that there are women out there in need of a safe place to stay and the shelter can’t accommodate them.”

“But you have a plan,” Emily guessed. “I know that tone of voice, Sophia. It hasn’t been twenty-four hours since you were over there, and you already have something in mind.” It was Sophia’s generous spirit that made all the petty annoyances of working with her easier to take.

“Well, of course, I do,” Sophia said. “But I’m going to need your help with this, Emily. How soon can you get here?”

Emily thought of her promise to Boone. She couldn’t go running off today, or even tomorrow, not even for Sophia.

“The beginning of next week,” she told her.

“Not soon enough,” her number one client said. “Make it Monday. I already have an appointment scheduled for us.”

“That’s only a few days from now,” Emily protested, thinking of her promise to Boone. “I don’t know that I can wrap things up here that quickly.”

“Monday,” Sophia repeated, unrelenting. “It’s not for me. It’s for these women who need our help.”

“Why don’t you fill me in now?” Emily suggested, knowing that she was already hooked. If Sophia wanted her there Monday, she’d find a way. Not only was this woman her top client, they were slowly becoming friends, as well. Either status might be enough to lure Emily back, but combined, they assured it.

“I found another potential safe house,” Sophia said, sounding pleased. “I’ve already spoken to the board, and we’re ready to move on this. The problem is that it needs a little work. That’s where you come in. I’m hoping you can call in some favors, get us a break on some materials and furnishings. We won’t have a lot of time to make this happen, not if we want some of these women to have a place to stay before Thanksgiving.”

“Sophia,” Emily protested with a groan. “Thanksgiving? That’s impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible if you want it badly enough,” Sophia contradicted. “Everyone should have a safe place to spend Thanksgiving. Especially single mothers with kids. I’m already working on turkey donations, and my caterer has agreed to provide an absolute feast.”

“Of course he has,” Emily said. Copyright 2016 - 2024