Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,66

get a chance to tell you how blown away I was by what you did on Sunday.”

“Oh – thank you,” she said.

“It wasn’t just your presentation,” he continued. “I mean – it was great, but what you did with Eddie and Jared? That was just – well, it seemed like you got your mom’s sleuthing skills.”

She smiled. “That’s really nice of you to say.”

“Where’s Laura?” asked Morgan, hands on her hips.

“Ah…” Matthew looked between their expectant faces. “We’ve decided to call it quits.”

“Like you’ve decided, or you both decided?” asked Luke.

Matthew smiled. “I decided. And – this is kind of awkward, but Luke made me aware of some gossip that Laura was responsible for. And since you’re my friends, I think you should know the truth – I never cheated on Laura.”

“We never thought you did. That was ridiculous.” Morgan waved a hand. “And I, for one, am glad she’s gone, because – ”

“Morgan!” Jade said. “Can you at least pretend to be polite?”

Morgan paused for a moment. “I can, but it’s really hard.”

“It’s okay,” Matthew said with a laugh. Luckily Morgan and Luke continued bickering and Matthew was able to pull Jade aside. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh me? Sure.”

Matthew cleared his throat. As much as he didn’t like gossip, Jade at least deserved to know the truth. They were all his friends, but Jade felt like…something more.

Even if he’d never have the courage to tell her how he felt about her, even if she probably never once thought of him in a romantic way, she didn’t have to carry a low opinion of him.

“I really need you to know something – and I normally don’t tell people, but – ”

Just then, Margie called out, “Dinner time!”

Chapter 26


It seemed like he was just about to tell her something important. Her head was spinning ever since he mentioned his breakup with Laura, and this was only adding to her confusion.

When he first said that they’d broken up, Jade had to force herself not to react. It was kind of shocking, really, and though she was dying to know more, she could never ask. Part of her wished that Morgan would have pried for more information – but instead, she’d gone right to insulting Laura. Jade decided she’d have to talk to her about that.

Mainly though, Jade reminded herself that this breakup didn’t have anything to do with her – and it certainly didn’t mean that Matthew had any feelings for her. That was more silly, school girl thinking.

She scolded herself for being so inconsiderate; he was probably really upset about the whole thing and the last thing he’d want was for her to go and make a move on him.

But…maybe someday she could tell him how she felt.

Yeah, one day.

Jade took her seat at the table and accepted the plate of scalloped potatoes that Morgan passed over. She racked her brain for what he might need to tell her. Was it about Laura? But what else was there to say? Maybe it was related to Jared.

Oh! Or maybe he wanted to confess that he’d been watching her house on the night of the fire. That could be an interesting conversation…was there a chance that he’d tell her why he was out there? Obviously, he was right to be suspicious and stop by, because he ended up saving her life. But maybe…

No. Matthew was a professional. He probably didn’t tell her because he didn’t want her getting any ideas.

That made a lot of sense and the fluttery feeling in her chest died off. She needed to stop looking for any little hint that he may like her. She needed to just give up.

“It looks like we’re starting to get some results from the vote!” Morgan said, looking at her phone. “Do you guys want to hear?”

Everyone simultaneously turned towards Jade. She was caught off guard – for the first time that day, she wasn’t actually thinking about the vote. “Oh – sure.”

Morgan frowned. “Looks like Eric is leading us right now. But they only have two percent of the vote in.”

“Maybe we should wait a bit longer before checking again?” suggested Tiffany. “The polls aren’t even closed yet.”

“I went to vote this morning,” Matthew said. “And it seemed like a lot of people turned out.”

Jade looked up and couldn’t help but smile at him. How diligent of Matthew to go and vote first thing in the morning. Luke liked to call him a Boy Scout, but it Copyright 2016 - 2024