Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,58

arrived. Matthew was glad that Luke told him about the rumor, but he didn’t know what else to say about it. They moved onto different topics after he made it clear he wouldn’t be starring in any fire reenactment videos for any reason.

The truth about Laura was more complicated than that – and further, it wasn’t his secret to share.

On Sunday morning, Matthew was awoken by a call from Laura demanding to know which ferry he’d be taking to visit her.

“If you hurry, we might be able to get into this film festival. Apparently it’s really up-and-coming!”

Matthew flipped over in bed. “I’m not coming out today.”

“What? Why not?”

He reached out a hand to pet Toast, who was excited to see that he was awake. “I’m going to the county council presentations today.”

Laura let out a long sigh. “Here we go again. You’re always making me come out to you. And for what? Something really boring.”

“It’s something important. And I can’t say that I’m terribly interested in a film festival.”

“Matthew – I swear, if you do this again – ”

He interrupted her. “Laura, I need to talk to you about something that I heard yesterday.”


“Apparently my friends think that I cheated on you, and that’s why we broke up before.”

Laura was silent.

Matthew continued. “Now you and I both know that that never happened. If I remember correctly – ”

“I don’t know where Jade got that idea. I think she just loves drama – and I can’t believe you even consider her a friend.”

Matthew rubbed his eyes. “I never said that it was Jade who told me. It was Luke.”

She was quiet for a moment, then said, “Oh.”

He sighed. “What are we doing? Why did you move out here?”

“Because! I love you!”

“You love a version of me that would join a country club, or go to a film festival. Or move back home.”

“What’s wrong with wanting those things?” she said.

“Nothing. But it’s not what I want. I haven’t changed – I haven’t – ”

“I thought that if you moved out here for a few months, you could get it out of your system. And then you’d come back to your senses.”

Matthew closed his eyes. “Does coming back to my senses mean doing the things that you want me to do?”

“Our life used to be good. It used to be good enough for you. What changed? What’s so different now that you can’t be happy with me?”

Toast whined, forcing his head under Matthew’s hand. He needed to go outside – and Matthew needed to get on with his day.

And his life.

“Everything is different now, Laura. I’m sorry, but it’s not you. I’m different. And there’s nothing that we can do to put us back together again.”

“Wait! Don’t you dare hang up on me.”

“I’m not hanging up on you. But I need to say goodbye. Things aren’t working between us. We’re both unhappy – again.”

“I won’t let you say goodbye. You just need to try harder, you just need to move back home and – ”

Matthew gritted his teeth. Though it felt awful, it was more unkind to drag this out than to be honest with her. “I’m sorry, Laura. I wish you all the best. Goodbye.”

He ended the call and then silenced his phone. He knew that there wouldn’t be much peace today – that she would call and text and leave voicemails. But eventually, she’d stop.

And this time, he wouldn’t be convinced to give up the life that he wanted for the life that someone else insisted he have.

Chapter 23

“Is there anything that we need to bring?” Hank called out from the kitchen. “I can take it out to the car.”

Margie popped her head out of the bedroom. “Just those cookies and pies that I have set out on the counter! And the serving trays – but I’ll get those.”

Hank, try as he might, would never be able to find exactly which platters Margie wanted to bring. She had a very specific idea in mind for she how she wanted things to look, and it was just best if she handled it herself. His help with the cookies was more than enough.

She finished applying a dash of mascara before grabbing the platters that she needed. She was pleased to see that Hank also picked up the bag she’d placed next to the door – it had some cute little napkins, forks, and plates so that people could enjoy these treats during the presentations without making a mess.

Hank came back inside and took Copyright 2016 - 2024